Z Nation Recap: Heart of Darkness

War is brewing in Z Nation, and you do not want to miss it! Last week on Z Nation, we saw the return of an old friend, a reference to The Walking Dead, and some creepy underground catacombs filled with hands skittering around like rats! If you missed Z Nation: Heart of Darkness, we’ll get you up to speed!


Hold the Phone | Citizen Z (DJ Qualls) and Kaya (Ramona Young) are broadcasting from Camp Northern Light when they are suddenly interrupted by another voice broadcasting on the same radio station. Citizen Z recognizes the voice as belonging to Murphy (Keith Allan), so he pinpoints where the signal is coming from and finds an old landline phone still hooked up in the building, which he calls. No way is Murphy gonna listen to some pipsqueak bossing him around, so he promptly unplugs the phone and gets right back to proselytizing for his blend nation. He then takes a break to do his business, in the outhouse marked “Mr. Murphy,” and Warren (Kellita Smith) seizes her chance to sneak into the compound. However, a breach in the zombie moat leaves her with no choice but to hide in the second outhouse, marked “everyone else.” The commotion raised by the zombies brings Murphy out, but when he opens the door to the outhouse, the back has been busted through, and Warren is gone. He knows that it must have been Warren, or someone from her group.

A Bird in the Hand | Warren makes it back to Sun Mei (Sydney Viengluang) and Hector (Emilio Rivera) safely. Sun Mei has been working on a vaccine that should retain the immunity to the zombie virus, but without Murphy’s mind control. Warren knows that they won’t be able to get to Murphy on their own, and that they need an army. Luckily, we happen to know of a wild, ruthless army running around. The Red Hand. The three set off in search of the Red Hand and Escorpion. They find a man named Hopper (Dylan Vox) who claims to be Escorpion’s drug dealer, and he agrees to take them to him. As Hopper guides them through catacombs underneath Spokane, he tells them the story of Escorpion, which sounds a LOT like the story of the real Escorpion, Hector. In the catacombs, they encounter severed hands running around like rats, glaring neon GUILTY signs, and people wrapped in barbed wire, whom Hopper executes by electrifying the wire. Finally, Hector, Warren, and Sun Mei are brought before the mysterious Escorpion. It’s . . .

Friends in Low Places | Vasquez (Matt Cedeño)?! After running off into the forest at the end of season 2, he apparently went mad and rebuilt his identity as the man who destroyed his life, Hector, the real Escorpion. Vasquez is so thoroughly deluded that he is convinced that he is and always has been the real Escorpion. Trying to jog his memory, Warren kisses him, and when that has no effect, Hector recounts the tale of how he killed Vasquez’s wife and daughter. That works, but not because Vasquez remembers. He stabs Hector multiple times in the chest, telling him that he is the only Escorpion. Oh no! Not the villain-turned-weird-uncle of the group! Warren then stabs Vazquez through the chest, and that was all it took for him to remember. He says her name tenderly before she decapitates him. Warren then rushes to Hector’s side, but there’s nothing to be done, besides injecting him with Sun Mei’s experimental vaccine. It doesn’t have the effect that Murphy’s bite does, of curing any wounds instantly, but it does at least keep him from turning into a zombie when he dies. It seems that whoever kills Escorpion becomes the new Escorpion, as all of Vasquez’s men pile into a large truck with Warren and follow her to battle.

We then see Doc (Russel Hodkinson) and Addy (Anastasia Baranova) reach the cabin that Murphy left Lucy at. They spot Lucy, very much older than she should be, playing with a group of zombies, then her adoptive father steps out the door and fires a shotgun at Doc and Addy.

And finally, we return to Vasquez’s body. As we zero in on his closed eyes, they pop open to reveal pale irises and catlike slits for pupils! Man, how many types of zombies and zombie blends are we gonna end up with?!

Z Nation airs Fridays at 9/8c on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Syfy
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