Z Nation Recap: Murphy’s Miracle

Welcome back to Z Nation! This week, Murphy is a Good Samaritan—or maybe a bad one, we end up in a super-creepy torture dungeon, Murphy decides to go into agriculture, and Doc unloads a whole lot of postal puns. Here’s what went down in Z Nation: “Murphy’s Miracle.”


A New World Order | Murphy (Keith Allan), 10K (Nat Zang), Doctor Merch (Lisa Coronado), and the other half-zombies with them encounter a mother (Kathryn Brown) and father (Aaron Trainor) with a little girl who is dying. Murphy bites her, then drags his other blends to Spokane, Washington. 10K still doesn’t know that Murphy bit him, as he’s the only one Murphy didn’t bite on the cheek. Murphy finds an expo center perfect for setting up shop in. It’s got rooms perfect for a lab for Dr. Merch, a bedroom for Lucy, an inner sanctum for Murphy, and even a throne room. Murphy orders 10K to shoot an Ender that they’ve captured, but 10K defies him. Well, his mouth does, anyway. While 10K is telling Murphy that he’ll never obey him, he fires the pistol at the Ender’s head. But the pistol wasn’t loaded—Murphy was playing with 10K’s head. Murphy takes the pistol back, and accidentally executes the Ender. Guess there was a bullet in there after all. While 10K sweeps the floor of Murphy’s throne room, the family that they encountered earlier enters. They thank Murphy for biting their daughter, and the girl’s father asks Murphy to bite his wife. Sure is nice having willing subjects.

Going Postal | Warren (Kellita Smith), Doc (Russel Hodgkinson), Addy (Anastasia Baranova), Hector (Emilio Rivera), and Sun Mei (Sydney Viengluang) encounter a postmaster named Wally Becker (Carl Johnson). The zombies of the town are strangely attracted to him, but he insists that the gang not mercy any of them. Becker says that they’re his friends and family, and that they’re attracted to him because of that. Sun Mei, Doc, and Addy locate a two-way radio, and find a station broadcasting Gustav Mahler’s “I Am Lost to the World.” This is a signal to Sun Mei that her mission has been aborted, and that everyone is dead. Addy uses the remaining radio power to try and contact Citizen Z (DJ Qualls), but gets no response.


While Sun Mei runs some blood tests on Becker to see what attracts the zombies to him, Becker takes Doc, Warren, Addy, and Hector down to an underground civil defense shelter, to stock up on food. But instead, he unleashes an ambush of postal-worker zombies on the group. Warren discovers that one of the zombies is the real postmaster, Walter Becker. The group realizes that all the postal workers have been shot through the heart, and that all Becker’s “friends and neighbors” have been too. Upstairs, Sun Mei realizes the same thing, and Becker escorts her downstairs at gunpoint. He forces her into a room that he’s converted into a creepy murder torture dungeon, straight out of a horror movie. He’s been luring strangers down there to chop them up and feed them to his zombies! He hated and envied those so-called “friends and neighbors” of his, so when Day 1 of the apocalypse hit, he shot every member of the town through the heart. Becker was the last thing they saw, so the zombies stick to him like band-aids. Sun Mei has no plans to be fed to zombies, so she smashes a jar full of pickled brains on Becker, then opens the door to let in his friends and neighbors, who finally get their revenge.

I Am Lost to the World | In the Arctic, Kaya (Ramona Young) tries to get Citizen Z strong enough to resume broadcasting, but he doesn’t think that there’s anyone left to listen if he broadcasts. Kaya scans radio stations, trying to find a sign of anyone alive. Citizen Z tells her that he doesn’t think there’s anyone out there. She tells him that since he came, she’s had hope, and that without that, she doesn’t know what will happen. They find the broadcast of “I Am Lost to the World” and dance to it. Suddenly, Addy’s staticky voice breaks through the music, and Citizen Z responds. However, Addy can’t hear Citizen Z’s responses. Citizen Z discovers that Kaya’s family is very low on food, so they load up onto his sled and head for Camp Northern Light.

This episode showed a lot of characters losing hope to some extent. Hopefully Citizen Z will be able to find a way to contact Addy and Delta Xray Delta before too long! I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping that this will be the season when Citizen Z finally makes it out of the Arctic and meets the main gang—with Kaya and Pup in tow, of course. Did anyone else sense a lil’ something going on between Sun Mei and Addy? Just me? I’ve suspected for a while that Addy would get a girlfriend this season, especially after everything that happened in episode 2×11, Corporate Retreat. And of course, we can’t forget The Man, who was ominously absent from this week’s episode! What’s he got up his sleeves (besides muscles)?! What do you think, readers? Tell us your theories!

Z Nation airs Fridays at 9/8c on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Daniel Sawyer Schaefer/Go2 Z/Syfy
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