Things get intense on this week’s episode of SYFY’s Wynonna Earp! Wynonna faces an intervention, Doc gets captured, and Waverly is visited by an old enemy. ‘Life Turned Her That Way’ was written by Noelle Carbone and directed by Jem Garrard.
Intervention | The episode kicks off with a badass montage Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) kicking demon ass. You may also be doing a little drinking during this time. She gets up and realizes Peacemaker is missing and goes inside to look for it where she meets Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) and Nicole(Katherine Barrell) in the kitchen. Wynonna tells them that Peacemaker is missing and it turns out they have it. This is an intervention.
Nicole and Waverly are concerned for Wynonna. Waverly points out that Wynonna just seems sad and lonely. Wynonna tells Waverly to just keep Peacemaker and storms out. Waverly chases after her sister. We all know Wynonna is doing this to protect her family, but Waverly points out that maybe Wynonna likes this a little too much. Maybe the genie was right last episode.
This fight between the Earp sisters is heartbreaking, and Wynonna ends up leaving her sister on the homestead.
Waverly goes inside and is comforted by Nicole. Nicole reassures her they are doing the right thing and that eventually Wynonna will see that too. Nicole goes to work and Waverly makes a phone call to someone, she needs to meet them and needs them to bring something.
We quickly see that it’s Doc (Tim Rozon) Waverly called. She meets him at the staircase to the Garden and he’s holding the Waverly Gibson book from inside the Garden. It’s blank. That’s the book she took, now we know. Doc tries to give her the book, but Waverly tells him to keep it. She doesn’t want her sister to find it. And speaking of Doc, I’d like to just take a minute to point out just how awesome his shirt is. I’m actually pretty jealous of it.
Waverly explains to Doc why she chose her own book. It’s because everyone is a part of her story so she should get answers about all of them. Then Waverly goes on to explain how heavenly it was sitting on the throne in the garden. Suddenly two Demons [Dallas (Samuel Hoeksema) and Remy (Ben Wong)] come through the woods, they’re looking for Waverly. Waves pulls Peacemaker on them, but it won’t fire for her. After questioning why she has her sister’s gun, Doc tells Waverly to run, and she does. Right into the mind-erasing fog. Uh-oh.
The Cabin in the Woods | Waverly covers her nose and mouth and runs for as far as she can. She sees a cabin and hears a voice beckoning to her, she goes towards it. Waverly makes it into the cabin with her memory intact. We momentarily think she is safe, until we see who is behind the voice calling to her. Jolene (Zoie Palmer).
Waverly doesn’t believe her eyes, she saw her sister kill Jolene. But Jolene explains that once Bulshar died, she was freed. Jolene blames Waverly for the fog being there, coming from the Garden and trapping her there. Waverly tries to run away, but Jolene throws her into a pole, knocking her out.
Back at the stairs, Doc is fighting Dallas when Remy tells them Waves ran into the fog. Doc doesn’t believe them at first, not until they explain that the fog is everywhere now, not just at the border. Doc tells them to leave Waverly alone and he will give them whatever they want at the Glory Hole. Remy tells him the Glory Hole is no longer there. BBD raided it. Suddenly, all three of them are shot with tranq darts. BBD is there for them. Doc swears to remember the face of the man who captures him before passing out. But before he does, we hear BBD shoot one of the demons.
At the homestead, Wynonna is taking her frustrations out during training. Rachel (Martina Ortiz-Luis) walks in and asks Wynonna to start training her. Wynonna is hesitant, until Rachel tells her she needs to defend herself and learn to be more like her.
Cleo (Savannah Basley) is at BBD headquarters with paperwork hopefully allowing her to leave the ghost River triangle. Apparently it is very difficult to leave nowadays. Before being approved, Reaper Billy (Billy Bryk) enters the room. Cleo is upset he’s there and not eating all the old folks she left for him and his siblings outside. In the end she gets approved to leave the triangle.
Wynonna is training Rachel in the woods, but she’s not taking it too seriously. She doesn’t get why Rachel would rather spend her time with her than out doing teenage things. Rachel tries to explain that Wynonna is her family, but Wynonna tells her that she shouldn’t want to be an Earp. Then Wynonna gets distracted by some blood nearby.
They tracked the blood to Remy, who is still alive. The demon tells Wynonna and Rachel what happened to Dallas and Doc. Then he tells her about Waverly and the fog, and we can see the fear and Wynonna’s eyes.
Doc and Dallas wake up in a Cell at a BBD waystation. Doc demands to speak to Jeremy (Varun Saranga), but the agent in charge doesn’t allow it. Another agent identifies the type of demon Dallas is, and says they already have one of them. Then a flamethrower is taken to Dallas, and he is exterminated in front of Doc. Doc goes vamp at the agents, and they decide to keep him.
Back at the cabin, Jolene has Waverly tied up and is slapping her around. Jolene is truly terrifying, telling Waverly she is no longer mad at her, but now sad for her. Then Jolene tells her something that seems to change Waverly, that demons are just fallen angels. The demon is trying to convince Waverly that they are the same. Waverly is doing her best to fight her off her words.
Nicole, Wynonna, and Rachel are at the edge of the fog trying to come up with a plan to save Waverly. They call Casey (Andrew Phung) for his expert assistance. Casey tells them he can only take one into the fog with them, Wynonna and Nicole must decide who goes. Wynonna wants to go because it’s her sister, but after explaining that she has sat out too much, especially the Garden, Nicole steps up and is going in the fog with Casey.
In the cabin, Waverly is fighting her hardest against Jolene. Jolene spots Peacemaker in Waverly’s purse and takes it. After a moment it burns her like it does all other demons, and she drops it. She then pulls a knife on Waverly and stabs the pole above where she sits. Jolene is trying to get into Waverly’s head, telling her she’s always a damsel in distress and never the hero. Then the demon blames Waverly for Wynonna’s heavy drinking. Jolene wants Waverly to tap into her powers, but Waverly doesn’t want to tap into something she can’t control. There are dozens of hash marks on the wall, and Jolene tells Waverly they are for all of Wynonna’s kills, not all of them demon. Jolene is blaming Waverly for Wynonna having to kill so much. Waverly is trying her best to fight off the demon’s words, then finds the strength to headbutt Jolene. Jolene pulls the knife from the pole and holds it to Waverly’s throat as she screams in her face.
Wynonna helps Nicole get ready to go into the fog, and they discuss that if there are three tugs on the rope Wynonna will pull them in. Nicole puts her hand on Casey’s shoulder and follows him into the fog. After a few moments we hear Casey and Nicole make it to the cabin. Over the radio we hear them find Waverly tied up, and they encountered Jolene. There are sounds of a struggle and then three tugs on the rope, Rachel pulls them in. It’s just Casey who gets pulled in, and he is dead. RIP Casey. Nicole gets spit out of the fog elsewhere, but she is okay.
In the cabin, Waverly breaks free of her bindings and picks up Peacemaker. The gun burns her and Jolene reminds her that demons can’t touch the gun. Waverly pushes Jolene into a coat hook. Ouch. Jolene, in turn, stabs Waverly in the back with a knife, making a large cut behind one shoulder blade. She digs and pulls out a black feather.
Wynonna is preparing to go into the fog after her sister, but Rachel tries to stop her. Wynonna feels terrible about the last thing she said to her sister, she doesn’t want that to be the last thing Waverly ever hears from her. Over the radio, Nicole tells Wynonna they need to go to plan B. Wynonna wants Jeremy there, he’s been working on a way to dispel the fog. Wynonna tasks Rachel with guarding Casey’s body as she enters the fog.
Doc is being led through the BBD prison. The guard tells doc he is being kept for a new project. Then they come across a cell with Jeremy and other humans in it. Doc takes the gun from the guard and turns it on him, but Jeremy convinces him not to shoot. Jeremy tells the guard to go home and be with his family, and the guard listens. Doc turns the gun on the keypad, but as soon as he shoots he is surrounded by BBD agents.
Wynonna goes to BBD headquarters looking for Jeremy, but can’t find anyone. She starts shouting who she is into a security camera in hopes that someone will open a door and speak with her. The door opens as General Graham walks through to greet Wynonna. He tells her to go with him and leave Purgatory because it is going to be swallowed up by the fog and destroyed. She refuses, she must save her sister and her friends. General Graham agrees to give her Jeremy, and takes her to the cell he and Doc are in. The general tells her she can take one of the men, but not both and Wynonna chooses Jeremy. But then Wynonna sees Cleo in the corner of the cell. Wynonna chooses Cleo. Wynonna apologizes to Doc and Jeremy, but promises to come back for both of them.
Demon Waverly | In the cabin, Jolene is holding Waverly as she cries and fights off what the demon wants her to become. But it seems to be getting harder and harder. Waverly might be losing the battle.
Wynonna goes back for Rachel, who is quietly mourning her friend. Wynonna needs Rachel to go with her, and as she’s leaving she notices some blond hair in Casey’s hand. Wynonna takes it.
Wynonna and Rachel meet Cleo in a spot in the woods, but Rachel is hesitant. Wynonna explains to her that Cleo is now the Clanton heir and has control of the Reapers, so she can follow them to Jolene. Wynonna gives Cleo the clump of hair so that Jolene can be marked for the Reapers. Rachel wants to make sure it’s not Billy that is going to go, and Wynonna makes a face to Cleo that says, ‘of course it won’t be Billy’. Cleo marks Jolene but also adds a piece of Wynonna’s hair in as well so that Wynonna can see Reaper Billy on this adventure. Wynonna and Billy head into the fog.
Wynonna follows Reaper Billy to the cabin where she sees Jolene over Waverly. Reaper Billy goes after Jolene while Wynonna tends to her sister. Waverly tells her older sister to find Peacemaker and take out Jolene, and if it’s necessary to take her out as well. It appears that Jolene kills Reaper Billy then expels Wynonna from the cabin. Jolene tells Waverly that Wynonna died knowing Waverly hated her. This changes something in Waverly, she screams out and her eyes change. Waverly has become the demon Jolene was trying to release. Demon Waverly then kills Jolene.
Doc and Jeremy are doing their best to escape their cell. Lucky for them, Mercedes (Dani Kind) shows up ready to rescue them. She is able to get the cell open, but BBD agents immediately descend on them. General Graham is ready to sacrifice the humans of Purgatory in order to save the demons. They are worth more to him than human lives. Mercedes tries to talk her way out of it, but General Graham shoots her in response.
Wynonna is able to crawl her way out of the fog without breathing any of it in. Demon Waverly follows out of the fog behind her, looking very powerful, regal, very gray. Then she extends her giant black wings. She tells Wynonna that her journey is over, yet Waverly’s has just begun.
Be sure to catch Wynonna Earp on SYFY Friday nights at 10pm!
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.