Wynonna Earp is back for another episode on SYFY and it’s quite the trip! This week we see how people in Purgatory celebrate Halloween. But of course it doesn’t go as smoothly as planned, this is Purgatory after all. ‘Hell Raisin’ Good Time’ was written by Caitlin D. Fryers and directed by Paolo Barzman. Here’s what happened in the festive episode!
It’s Alive | Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) wakes up naked on the stage at the Glory Hole after her night of fun with Amon (Noam Jenkins). After using a vagina curtain as a makeshift outfit she gathers her things and leaves. Amon then reveals a spinning wheel of death.
At a pumpkin patch, two BBD agents are attacked by a scarecrow man with a pumpkin head. One agent was killed while the other fled, but we later learn died as well.
On the Homestead, Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) is going all-out with the Halloween decorations, impressing Nicole (Katherine Barrell). Nicole tells her fiancé that she will be going shopping with Rachel soon, when Wynonna texts her sister that she needs pants.
At BBD, an aggravated Jeremy (Varun Saranga) meets up with a still unclothed Wynonna. He fills Wynonna in on the power shift that happened at BBD, and Waverly arrives dressed as a ladybug. Jeremy fills the ladies in on the jack-o-lantern murder that occurred and Waverly immediately recognizes the monster as Rotten Jack (Kelsey Andries). He’s a town legend and the reason they carve jack-o-lantern’s, but now he is alive [again] and may be on a murder rampage. Jeremy needs Wynonna to get an extractor, paralyze Rotten Jack, then bring the monster to him. Oh yeah, and they need to get it done in the next three hours. Jeremy has to rush back to work, so Waverly seizes this opportunity to give Wynonna her Halloween costume.
Baby One More Time | Wynonna is dressed as Britney Spears from her ‘Baby One More Time’ music video.
Doc (Tim Rozon), dressed as Freddie Mercury, is drinking and gambling at the Glory Hole. Amon explains to him that this Halloween he is livestreaming a betting game to all demons. They put money on who they think Rotten Jack’s next victim will be. Amon asks Doc to guess who the last victim will be, but quickly walks away when the topic of an angel comes up. Amon then verbally attacks Doc about not providing liquor to the bar per their deal. Then Amon rubs in Doc’s face that he slept with Wynonna. Doc quits and leaves the bar, and we see Rotten Jack’s next victim [the Mother] get killed.
Waverly and Wynonna are looking for the extractor and eventually find it, or rather him. It’s Casey (Andrew Phung) from the Chili Cook-off for Freedom!
At BBD, Jeremy dismisses Albert’s nagging and goes to some sort of support group. He talks to a man who we haven’t seen before, yet he’s strangely familiar.
Back at Casey’s, Wynonna and Waves try to convince Casey to help them, but Wynonna ends up pulling Peacemaker on him and reveals that she’s BBD. In a panic, Casey uses a spaghetti rings can to blind the Earp sister’s long enough for him to put on a gas mask and run into some strange fog. Wyn and Waves follow him into the fog, but quickly become disoriented and confused. Casey eventually draws them out of the fog by playing ‘Midnight Monsters Hop’ on a boombox, but that goes awry when Waverly punches him in the face. Casey ends up convincing the sister’s that they just smoked some really good weed and that’s why they can’t remember anything, then sends them on their way. But we see that Wynonna forgets Peacemaker and he picks it up.
Waverly and Wynonna make it back to the Homestead, but they still can’t remember who they are. After looking through the mail for names they decide that Waverly must be Wynonna and that Wynonna is Waverly. They also think Waves is a cop based on the uniform they find, and that Wynonna works at Shortys. Those clues obviously led to them believing there is a Halloween party happening at Shortys and they need to get there.
The sisters rush to Shortys and are met with Doc, who seems a little confused and put-off by their memory loss. Suddenly a group of demons enter the bar looking for Amon’s alcohol. Wynonna and Waverly still don’t remember that demons are real so they just think the dudes are in really great Halloween costumes. Once they realize the demons are real their demeanor quickly switches to terrified, especially after they realize Doc is a vampire. They flee the bar and hide in a dumpster. Because they weren’t able to apprehend Rotten Jack in time the monster has claimed another victim.
The demon Dallas (Samuel Hoeksema) tells Amon that Wynonna doesn’t have Peacemaker and that her and Waverly seemed all kinds of confused. Amon realizes they must have tried to cross the border and had their memories erased and has a plan. Happy Halloween to him.
We check in on Jeremy and the mysterious man he’s speaking with. Doc calls and fills Jeremy in on what’s going on with the Earp sister’s, and Jeremy gets ready to take off to help when Albert enters and tells them they’re going on lockdown because Rotten Jack is still out and about.
Amon finds the Earp sister’s and pretends he’s Wynonna’s partner, but Waverly seems skeptical noting that her sister definitely deserves better than him. But once Amon pulls out the bra Wynonna left at the Glory Hole after they hooked up Wynonna was convinced she must be with him and Waverly concedes. Amon’s taking them to a party at the Glory Hole, I’m sure it will be totally chill and safe and not dangerous at all. Oh, and Rotten Jack seems to be hot on their heels.
Halloween Party From Hell | At BBD we learn that Robin (Jim Watson) is the mysterious man Jeremy has been talking with, but he doesn’t remember much of his past or realize he has a new face. Jeremy is trying his hardest to get back to Purgatory but Albert isn’t having it, leaving Jeremy no choice but to give him almond and soy milk in his coffee, triggering his anaphylactic shock. It works, he gets Albert’s phone and bypasses the security protocols.
Back at the Glory Hole, Wynonna and Waves are starting to get their memories back, and Amon knows his time is running out.
Doc goes to Casey’s property and convinces the demon to help capture the Halloween monster. Casey gives him Peacemaker and is ready to capture Rotten Jack.
Amon is livestreaming his Halloween murder show and is having demons bid on the chance to kill Wynonna and Waverly, and sells them to a mysterious demon in a costume for $50,000. The demon shoots the Earp’s in the neck with some sort of dart, then reveals himself to be Jeremy! He gave the Earp’s their memories back, and now it’s time to kick some demon ass. Amon’s spinning wheel of death lands on angel, meaning that’s Rotten Jack’s next target. And I’m pretty sure there’s only one angel in Purgatory…Waverly.
Rotten Jack arrives and Amon flees, locking them all inside the bar with the pumpkin monster. Doc gives Wynonna her gun back, but before she can fire it Jeremy reminds her that BBD needs Rotten Jack alive, leaving her with a dilemma. Waves distracts the pumpkin and Wynonna smashes the handle of Peacemaker into the back of the pumpkin’s head, cracking it open and revealing a light. Casey steps up to do his job and extracts the candle, allowing Waverly to blow it out. Rotten Jack immediately collapses, they can take him in safely.
Afterwards, Wynonna and Albert finally meet at BBD. She asks him about the fog that made her lose her memory, but it’s clear it’s not something BBD is responsible for. Jeremy fills her in on the fog, it;s from the Garden, and too much exposure to it is NOT good. He takes her to meet Robin and implies that that is what happened to him, too much time in the fog. Robin mentions he has a boyfriend and Wynonna can see the heartbreak on Jeremy’s face. Poor Jeremy! Then Jeremy finally fills Wynonna in on what happened to him and Robin when she was in the Garden, how he sent Robin to look for her and that’s how he lost his memory. He spent weeks in the fog and ended up tearing his face off, hence the new face. Jeremy is slowly slipping him serum in hopes that he’ll get his memory back, but so far nothing. Jeremy also warns Wynonna that the fog is spreading.
At the Homestead, Wynonna and Waverly reminisce about their childhood around a small fire. Waves brings up her wedding, but reassures Wynonna that Wynonna will always be her hero. Nicole interrupts wearing her Sheriff uniform and our favorite stetson and pulls Waverly inside with her, leaving Wynonna alone at the fire.
Doc decides Amon needs to pay for what he did to the Earp sister’s, so he chains him up and throws him to the demons. I have a feeling we won’t be seeing Amon after this.
Be sure to catch Wynonna Earp Friday nights at 10pm on SYFY!
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.