Earpers, the Wynonna Earp season 4 mid-season finale just aired on SYFY and was quite the emotional roller coaster! Nicole was basically a ghost most of the episode, Waverly channeled her inner-angel and killed Margot, Wynonna shot a man in the back, and WayHaught finally get engaged! ‘Holy War Part Two’ was written by Brendon Yorke and directed by Ron Murphy.
Drowned | The episode begins just a little before the previous episode ended, showing Nicole (katherine Barrell) preparing to drown. Jeremy (Varun Saranga) and Nedley (Greg Lawson) are preparing for their parts in the exorcism, and Jeremy explains how it’s all going to work. Nicole will drown, they’ll transfer her consciousness into a dead frog, then when time’s up they’ll put her back into her body and all will be well. Hopefully. Nicole makes Jeremy promise to not let her come up, then begins to drown herself. Nicole’s survival instinct kicks in and she comes up for air, but Jeremy keeps his promise and drowns her. This is where Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) enters and sees her friend drowning her girlfriend while her other friend is in the corner chanting in a weird language while wearing a wolf’s head. Waverly is confused, pissed off, and ready to kick Jeremy’s ass when the frog comes to life, and Jeremy explains to her that it’s Nicole. Waves still isn’t happy, but at least she knows Nicole isn’t dead dead.
On the Clanton’s ranch, Margot (Paula Boudreau) realizes what Nicole is doing and sends Reaper Billy (Billy Bryk) for Waverly. Rachel (Martina Ortiz-Luis) is still there and sees the whole thing. Well, not Billy, but she knows what’s going on.
Doc (Tim Rozon) and Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) aren’t too pleased to see Rosita (Tamara Duarte), especially Wynonna. Wynonna and Doc intend to take Rosita to the Nuns, but Rosita tells them she can’t leave these rocks and why. Wynonna has the brilliant idea to use some of the smaller rocks to make a trail back.
Rachel leaves the barn and tries to call Waverly for help, but Sheriff Holt (Ty Olsson) finds her and drags her off somewhere.
The hourglass ends and Jeremy says it’s time to put Nicole’s consciousness back into her body. Jeremy is going to use shock paddles to bring Nicole back until Nedley points out he can’t do that because she’s in water. Before they can figure out another way to get Nicole back into her body the door flies open, Frog Nicole gets knocked to the ground, and Waverly realizes she’s been marked because Reaper Billy is right in front of her. She knocks over a bucket full of frogs while trying to avoid being reaper food while yelling at Jeremy and Nedley what’s going on because they can’t see the reaper. Suddenly Nedley realizes that Frog Nicole has gotten out. Uh-oh. Waverly’s really struggling with Reaper Billy when Nicole’s consciousness leaves the frog and pushes Reaper Billy into the basement, Waves locks it in.
Doc, Wynonna, and Rosita don’t have to go far on the rocks before the symbol of the Sisters appears as a short cut and Wynonna and Rosita go through it. Doc stays behind and answers a call from the Sheriff.
Astral Nicole | Waverly and Jeremy are trying to figure out which frog is Nicole, which we know is none of them because she’s watching them and telling them she’s not in one. Unfortunately they cannot see or hear her consciousness. Waves and Jeremy have to figure something out quickly before Nicole’s body gets brain damage, or worse.
At the Sanctuary, Wynonna delivers Rosita to the nuns. Rosita is rightfully pissed, and the head Sister senses the tension between them. Wynonna just wants to get Peacemaker and leave, but the Sisters want her and Rosita to fight…to the death. Rosita doesn’t hesitate and jumps on Wynonna’s back.
Waverly has kissed all of the frogs and can’t tell which one is Nicole. Meanwhile Nicole watches them, frustrated that she can’t communicate with them. Then she realizes that she can, through the lights and using morse code. She tells them. she’s not in the frog, and Jeremy realizes it must be astral projection. Nicole signals for them to go into the basement with the reaper.Waverly and Nedley go down, and Nicole takes over Reaper Billy’s body long enough to communicate to Waverly and get answers.
After an awesome and sexy fight, Wynonna and Rosita decide they need to work together to find Peacemaker and take the Sister’s down. They also realize the head Nun is a demon. Of course.
Waverly finds out that the only way to save Nicole is to kill Margot. She’s off to save her girlfriend, Billy warns her that they are “many,” but Waves doesn’t care. She’s going to do what has to be done to save Nicole. She takes Nedley’s shotgun and heads to the ranch, despite Nedley’s protests. Nicole’s astral projection is starting to look very cold.
Peacemaker | Wynonna and Rosita call a truce while they look through the weapons for Peacemaker. The nuns are going to break through the doors any second, they need to hurry.
At the Sheriff’s Department, Holt and Cleo (Savannah Basley) are arguing about what to do with Rachel when Doc walks in to collect her. Holt called him. After Rachel leaves the room, Holt proposes a truce to Doc, who agrees to it. Now they just have to get Margot and all the Earp’s to agree to it.
At the Sanctuary, Wynonna and Rosita share a moment before Wynonna goes off on Peacemaker and tells her that she still needs her. Her speech works, Peacemaker reveals herself is sword form just as the nuns break through the door. Peacemaker flies to Wynonna’s outstretched hand and turns back into our favorite demon-killing gun! Wynonna lifts Peacemaker and kills the demon nun. The remaining nuns drop to their knees and pledge their loyalty to Wynonna for freeing them.
Doc and Rachel leave the Sheriff’s station and Rachel reveals what she thinks happened to Billy and what she say Margot doing to a picture of Waverly. Doc recognizes the danger and heads to the Clanton’s.
Wynonna tells the nuns that they’re free to go, but they reveal that they can’t. Rosita suddenly recognizes several of them. It turns out they were all Revenants like Rosita, and this is a safe haven for them. Rosita decides to stay here with them, and definitely seems like she may be interested in a few romantically. Go Rosita! Before leaving, Wynonna gets a bit of important information from Rosita. It was Margot Clanton who wanted to buy Alice.
Wynonna leaves through the magic Sisters symbol and appears in Shorty’s. Jeremy tells her that Waverly was marked and on her way to the Clanton’s with a shotgun. Wynonna goes after her without noticing Nicole’s body in the tub.
Shot in the Back | Waverly finds Margot and gives her one chance to end the curse on Nicole. Margot refuses, and tells Waverly how she helped her, Doc, and Wynonna out of the Garden. Margot reveals what it was Nicole promised Margot in return for getting Waves home, it was Doc. Margot wanted Doc so she could get revenge for what he did to her family at the O.K. Corral. They fight, Margot tries to set another Reaper on Nicole, but Waverly isn’t going to let that happen. Waves channels her inner-angel and kills Margot. Then immediately realizes what she did.
Back at Shorty’s, Nicole wakes up back in her body. It worked.
Holt arrives at the ranch and Waverly hides. Wynonna pulls up in her truck and tells Waves that Nicole is alive and well and shows her Peacemaker. Before they can leave, Holt storms out and aims his gun at Waverly. He knows she killed his mother and isn’t happy. Doc arrives before anyone gets hurt and tries to talk some sense into everyone. He manages to get Holt to lower his weapon and tell the truth about what happened to Billy. The men turn away to go have a drink, when Wynonna pulls the trigger and shoots Holt in the back. Killing him. Doc looks at Wynonna horrified, and she thanks him for distracting Holt.
That night at the Homestead, Doc and Wynonna discuss what happened to Holt. He is incredibly disappointed in her, and echoes what he said in the previous episode about there being no honor in shooting a man in the back. She tells him it was the Clanton’s who wanted Alice, but even that won’t change the way Doc sees her now.
Inside, we finally get a proper WayHaught proposal! A tipsy Jeremy brings it up, and both Nicole and Waverly want to propose to each other. It’s utterly adorable and incredible to see on screen between two women! But while everyone else is celebrating, Doc and Wynonna are both silently heartbroken.
What a way to end the first half of the season! Thank gods we finally got a proper WayHaught proposal! But now that Margot and Holt are gone, does that make Cleo that Clanton heir?
Wynonna Earp will return to SYFY with the rest of season 4 in 2021!S
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.