Earpers! After waiting 2 years our favorite shitshow has returned! After a long fight and well-deserved win, SYFY’s Wynonna Earp is back with its fourth season. In the premiere we see how Wynonna plans to save her sister, Doc and Waverly are hanging out in the Garden, and we find out who the mysterious Valdez is. ‘On the Road Again’ was written by Brandon Yorke and directed by Paolo Barzman, here’s what happened!
The show opens with a shot of a stone throne with wings that sits in the snow.
Purgatory | Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) has all of her weapons laid out on the pool table in Shorty’s, prepping and picking a few. Nedley (Greg Lawson) is behind her, waiting, and joking that it’s felt like he’s been waiting on her for 2 years. Wynonna is determined to find the stone steps in the forest that lead to The Garden so she can rescue Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley). Nedley and Wynonna surprisingly do find the stone steps, but when she trie to enter The Garden she just falls flat on her face. She’s not going to be getting in this way.
The steps vanish and some vicious snow crabs appear in their place. Nedley gets injured by one and they return to the Homestead looking for first aid. We spot Valdez carved on the wall, which leads to a flashback of when and how it appeared there.
Jeremy (Varun Saranga) is the one that carves Valdez into the wall, frantically. Nicole (Katherine Barrell) and Robin (Justin Kelly) are asleep in the kitchen, they definitely look drugged, when BBD surrounds the Homestead. They bust in and tase Jeremy. We can assume that BBD took the rest of the gang which is why they aren’t here.
Back to the present, Nedley has found some pads to use to absorb his blood. Wynonna admits to Nedley that she drugged her friends here to keep them safe from Bulshar. Then she finds Nicole’s Bulshar ring on the floor.
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Flash to Nicole, who wakes up on a speeding train car. She is very angry at Wynonna and begins to look for a way off this train, but is stopped before she’s able to open the train door. It’s Kate (Chantel Riley), she stops Nicole from getting electrocuted by the door, then she fills Nicole in on what happened in Purgatory. Nicole needs Kate to do a tarot reading for her so she can try to find Waverly, but she doesn’t like the way it goes. Kate realizes she can help Nicole get off the train, so she endures the shock to open the door so Nicole can jump to freedom. When a guard comes looking for Nicole, Kate has herself a little snack.
Back at the Homestead, Wynonna finds Beaver Blaster and decides they need to take it with them. She hears a noise in the kitchen and goes to check it out and has to quickly dodge a knife thrown by Mercedes (Dani Kind). The pair fill each other in on what’s happened, including Mercedes admitting to hooking up with Kate at the Gardner mansion. They decide they need Wynonna’s file, which Nedley keeps hidden in the Sheriff’s office. They head there to snag it and discover Nedley keeps it in the couch, yes THAT couch. Inside the file is a document mentioning a Dr. Gloria Valdez, the only problem is she is dead. But there is one helpful note in the file, and it has to do with The Garden.
Wynonna decides to head to this other facility to see if she can find another way into The Garden, but leaves Mercedes and Nedley behind for their own safety. But not after a quick pep-talk from Nedley first where he reminds her that “Nobody fu**s with our family.”
Wynonna’s truck breaks down 169 miles outside of Monument, and she gives herself pep-talks as Doc and her sister, when suddenly Nicole appears seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, we know she’s jumped off a train and is heading back towards Purgatory. Wynonna is so happy to see her sister’s girlfriend, but Nicole doesn’t share the sentiment. She instead punches Wynonna for drugging her and getting her thrown on that train.
Nicole ends up fixing the truck and begrudgingly heads towards the facility with Wynonna, but only because she’s also trying to find a way into The Garden to get Waves back. This reflects the tarot reading she received from Kate. Wynonna also calls Nicole “Daddy,” which is actually perfect.
They arrive at Monument and the facility is abandoned. The pair creeps around inside, where Nicole realizes Wynonna is wearing the ring Waverly proposed to her with. She brings this up, but refuses to tell Wynonna her answer before she tells Waverly. Out of nowhere they begin getting shot at, Nicole realizes Peacemaker is no longer, and Nicole calls herself “daddy.” I don’t care that we know her actual middle name, Nicole will forever be called Nicole “Daddy” Haught from here on out.
After a distraction by Wynonna, Nicole is able to apprehend the shooter, who seems to just he a teenager. Nicole also calls Wynonna her best friend, which throws Wynonna off for a second. The girl has Dr. Gloria Valdez’s tag, so they’re definitely going to be asking her some questions.
This is Rachel Valdez (Martina Ortiz-Luis), Gloria’s daughter. She says her mom took off a while ago. Wynonna promises to help find her mom (who she knows is dead) in order for access to Dr. Valdez’s lab. Rachel agrees, but they have to follow her and be quiet. Rachel also reveals she knew Dolls.
Rachel fills Wynonna and Nicole in on how she knows Dolls, and learns that he’s dead. Rachel warns them no more talking and to watch out for the grates. There are dead bodies everywhere from when BBD gassed the place.
Wynonna ends up using some Beaver Blaster to try to help them get through the building faster, forgetting Rachel’s warning telling her to be quiet. It turns out those aren’t bodies lying around, they’re some sort of zombie. The gas BBD used did this to them. And now they’re running after our heroes.
In a badass montage Wynonna, Nicole, and Rachel kick some zombie ass. That is, until Wynonna breaks the other rule and steps on a grate. As it begins to fall Nicole pushes her off and falls instead.
The Garden | In The Garden, Waverly is chained to what looks like a stone obelisk and is screaming for Wynonna.
Doc arrives in The Garden. He finds Waverly and tries to free her as the chains are getting tighter. He ends up pulling a giant Bulshar-looking seed-thing out of a well, thus freeing Waves. She thanks him for sucking Bulshar’s poison out of Wynonna to save her.
Doc and Waves try several doors trying to get back to Purgatory, but can’t find the right one. Then they come across the stone winged throne from the intro shot. Waverly knows it was her fathers, and that there is something else that needs protection in The Garden. Doc has to stop her from sitting on it, and she uncontrollably says that it’s her destiny. That makes her nervous so they leave it.
They find an open paved hole with stairs, so they descend into it. At the bottom they find a man covered in cuts and dried blood who seems way too happy to see them. He quickly explains that they have to make a blood offering to keep the world safe. When Waverly asks about a way out, the man tells them there is only one way out before cutting his own head off with hedge shears, shocking Doc and Waves. Doc convinces Waverly to try to use her angel mojo to bring this guy back to life, but it doesn’t work. Suddenly a strange alarm goes off along with weird flashing lights. They realize they have to make a blood offering for it to stop.
Lucky for them they have a fresh human corpse full of blood just waiting to be offered up. So Doc 61’s the corpse and spills the blood, but Doc is a vampire and that’s a lot of blood. He might need a little snack as well.
Outside, Doc and Waverly sit by a fire and realize just how badly they need to get out of this place, they’re both losing their memories and getting disoriented. Doc falls asleep, and after a while Waves gets up and heads back into the hole where they had to make the blood offering.
The alarm is going off again, and the body of the man looks like “jerky,” so clearly some time has passed. Waves offers some of her blood, which is half celestial, and the alarm stops. Not only does it stop, but suddenly lily’s appear and the lights stop going crazy.
Waverly comes across a platform with 4 books. One with Wynonna’s name on the cover, one with Doc’s, one with Nicole’s, and one with hers. She must choose one, but we don’t see which one she picks. But knowing her, it’s probably Wynonna’s.
Doc wakes up and there’s a cherry blossom tree, he knows Waverly has done something. He hears someone calling in the distance and goes down the paved hole to investigate. Inside he finds a very naked Nicole Haught.
What a crazy premiere! Whose book do you think Waverly took? Is Gloria Valdez still alive? And most importantly, how did a naked Nicole end up in The Garden?
Be sure to watch Wynonna Earp next Sunday on SYFY at 10pm!
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.