Four episodes into the fourth season of SYFY’s Van Helsing and things aren’t slowing down! In this week’s episode we see Axel and Vanessa confront each other, Violet and Julius bribe a guard with socks, and Sam, the Oracle, and the Sisters raise their mother Michaela. ‘Broken Promises’ was written by Gorrman Lee and directed by Axel himself, Jonathan Scarfe.
“Now I know the way” | The episode opens with Vanessa (Kelly Overton) hunting a group of vampires and turning them all human. Once human, they want to worship and serve her, but she sends them to help others. But before she does that, she falls into a sort of dream dimension where she sees ominous looking gates with a girl who we know to be Violet (Keeya King) there.
Elsewhere, Axel (Jonathan Scarfe) is at the bar Violet’s boyfriend owns, and discovers theres a man there who was made human again by Vanessa, so he threatens the man for information. He uses that info to track Vanessa down in the woods and try to kill her, but he’s no match for a Van Helsing. Once she points out that killing her would make Scarlett’s sacrifice pointless Axel collapses into her arms, crying.
The pair decide to move forward with their relationship, though he may never forgive her for killing the woman he loved. Vanessa gives Axel the magical compass out of the Van Helsing book so that he can always find her if he needs to, and they go their separate ways.
At night, Jack (Nicole Muñoz) finds Vanessa and tells her she was bit by a Day Walker and can now heal and turn vamps human. They set off together to try to figure out what the pull they both feel in their chests means.
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Locked Up | Violet and Julius (Aleks Paunovic) are training hard, and it’s clear Violet now has the upper hand on him. He decides to take things up a level by turning off the lights, causing Violet to push herself more. She realizes she can see in the dark and kicks Julius’ ass! Julius is completely convinced Violet is a Van Helsing, but wants confirmation from Doc (Rukiya Bernard). Violet knows how they can get to her.
Violet has to bribe a guard with socks, but they make it to Doc’s cell, only to find that it’s empty. Hansen (Neal McDonough) greets them and refuses to answer Julius’s questions about Doc, and instead asks Julius about the vampire bodies his men found. It’s clear Hansen doesn’t know about all of Violet’s abilities, but may know something he’s not telling. He then strangles Julius and locks him in the cell.
Hansen visits Violet in her room and asks about her and Julius’s whereabouts recently. He notices the picture she’s drawing, and looks shook when he sees the ominous gates from her dreams, but doesn’t say anything about them. Instead he tells Violet about her parents when she asks him to.
Later, Violet sneaks out to visit her boyfriend. She mentions a coyote that could get them to Hawaii, and says she wants to go, now. She tells her boyfriend of the woman from her dreams, and says she needs to find her. She asks Lee to join her, but he doesn’t want to leave, so she says goodbye and leaves him.
Back in her room, Violet is feverishly sketching a portrait of Vanessa from her dreams. We see an old framed photo in the background. It’s her and Jack. Could Jack be her “dead” sister?
Elsewhere, Julius has taken out a few guards and escaped into the night.
Michaela | The Sisterhood is visited by Sam (Christopher Heyerdahl) and the Oracle (Jesse Stanley), who are intent on raising Michalea, another Elder and the mother to the Sisterhood. They perform the ritual and raise her. Once she’s fed she asks Ivory (Jennifer Cheon Garcia) where the other Sisters are, and wasn’t pleased to learn that this is all that remains after her two centuries in a tomb. Michaela and Sam meet for the first time and it’s a very strange interaction that ends with a kiss, then the three elders leave to visit Hansen.
Van Helsing airs Fridays at 10pm on SYFY!
Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.