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“Van Helsing” Recap: The Light

This week on SYFY’s Van Helsing we met a new character and learned a bit more about Violet and what she’s capable of. ‘Dark Ties,’ was written by Neil LaBute and directed by David Winning, and here’s what went down.

Karaoke Time | The episode opens with a group of young adults fighting off some Day Walkers. They’re struggling until Vanessa (Kelly Overton) comes across their path and helps. This group didn’t know you have to take a Day Walkers head to kill it, so Vanessa shared that knowledge with the girl who appears to be the leader, Jack (Nicole Munoz). Jack asks Vanessa to stay with her group for the night, Vanessa refuses until she learns they have a karaoke machine.

Before karaoke Vanessa decides to check out the Van Helsing book, and finds a magical compass pointing her towards something. Vanessa ends up joining Jack and a few others for an awful beer and karaoke, but the power goes out rather quickly so the party ends. Jack has first watch and asks Vanessa to keep her company on it. The pair share stories of the loved ones they’ve lost, and they pour one out for all those people. Vanessa says she feels like she’s having some sort of spiritual awakening, she doesn’t want to kill anymore.

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The next morning Vanessa and Jack say their goodbyes as Vanessa leaves. She quickly comes across a trap and manages to step out of the way just in time. She finds the man who set it, and it turns out it’s Chad (Donny Lucas). Vanessa gives Chad a can of food to eat while he filled her in on how Sam destroyed his family. He says he’s the only one left now. Vanessa asks him about the trap he set, noticing it was for humans and not vampires. He storms off, but Vanessa follows.

She sees him bleeding himself and feeding one of the children he was caring for, Tabby (Cassidy Nugent), but she’s a vampire now. Vanessa knocks Chad out so she can change Tabby back, and she does. Chad asks Vanessa who she is, to which she responds with, “The Light.”

Vanessa takes Chad and Tabby back to Jack and her people, so they no longer have to live on the run on their own. As she’s leaving, Vanessa gives Jack Scarlett’s sword. Instead of saying “goodbye,” the pair say “see ya later.”

Another Van Helsing? | Violet (Keeya King) and Julius (Aleks Paunovic) are training, and Violet is filling Julius in on Fort Collins. He tells her that she’s only being trained to fight humans, but he can train her to fight vampires. They begin fighting as if he were still a vamp, she after a few minutes she begins to pick it up. She cuts Julius’s neck with a spear and panics, but notices he heals immediately. Julius informs Violet she’s not ready to leave this place yet, and she tells him that it’s not a prison for her, he needs to meet her later that night.

Before meeting Violet, Julius visits Doc (Rukiya Bernard) for a little pain management. While there, they discuss Hansen (Neal McDonough) and Avery (Anna Galvin). Doc trusts Avery and wants to work with her. She tells Julius that she analyzed the blood from the necklace and that it’s identical to Vanessa’s, but for some reason it’s mutated. If she can figure out why she can use that info as leverage to get information on Jolene and Flesh in Loveland. They just have to play along with Hansen for now.

Avery comes in and speaks with Doc about her work, and thinks Doc may be on to something. Doc decides to take a chance and asks Avery if she could get the records from Denver showing what happened to Jolene and Flesh at Loveland, and Avery comes through.

Julius meets up with Violet and they sneak out and go to a bar in Low Town. Violet informs Julius you can buy anything here, which may be their ticket out of Fort Collins. Violet works with the bar owner to hustle some card players, and after kissing the owner and revealing that they’re together, she gets cornered and attacked by 3 vampires. She takes out one on her own before Julius shows up, but she still gets bit. But instead of changing into a vampire, the vamp that bit her turns human and Violet’s wound heals.

When they return, they promise not to discuss what happened with anyone, but Julius rushes to Doc and asks her to test Violet’s blood, he thinks she’s a Van Helsing. When Doc gets the results back she rushes off to tell Julius, but is intercepted by Hansen. He locks her in a cell to keep what she discovered from getting out. Before he leaves, Doc asks if Violet knows “what she is,” but he doesn’t answer.

Later, Violet is in her room drawing what happened earlier when she falls into some sort of trance. She’s walking around in some sort of garden then turns the corner and sees an ominous looking gate. Vanessa is behind her and tells her, “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid.” Violet wakes up, gasping.

Van Helsing airs Fridays at 10pm on SYFY.

Photo Credit: Dan Power/Nomadic Pictures Inc./SYFY

Written By

Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.

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