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Van Helsing Recap: “Coming Back”


Murder, slavery, and deception is at the forefront of Van Helsing‘s fourth episode. Episode 3 of Syfy’s new supernatural thriller left viewers feeling hopeful for once, because Doc (Rukiya Bernard) was turned human, but how is she coping with what’s happened?

Last we see of Vanessa (Kelly Overton), she’s wiping Doc’s blood off her face after learning that she can turn vampires human by biting them, but what are her plans now?

There is also a whole slew of new characters introduced in Episode 4, but can they be trusted? Here is OMFGTV‘s recap of episode 4 of Van Helsing, “Coming Back.”

“The volcanic ash is decreasing. This new curfew’s proof. We’re becoming a threat to them again.” | The episode begins by showing a girl sneaking around a camp, she sneaks into an air vent and sneaks around inside a building. She witnesses a female vampire kill a human, and we can see the vampire senses the human in the walls. Later we realize the camp this girl is in is some sort of internment camp where the vampires are keeping humans for blood and hard labor. The girl, we learn her name is Sheema (Naika Toussaint), is part of a group of humans trying to take the vampires out. They have secret meetings where they plan their escape, at this meeting they discuss destroying the power plant.  The vampires depend on the power plant for cloud cover, if they take out the plant then the sky will clear faster. The only problem is that the vampires have all the weapons locked away inside a building, but Sheema may have a solution to that problem.

Down in Julius’s lair, we see him send his minions after Vanessa. They are hesitant at first, they fear her. But they fear Julius more so they ultimately follow orders. Once they leave we see an older female vampire step up to Julius and tell him he should keep Vanessa from Dmitri (Paul Johansson) and use her to regain his power, he seems to like this idea.

“Somebody in here killed her.” | When we see our favorite band of survivors they are all sleeping, Flesh (Vincent Gale) has been sleepwalking again, and awakens to make a frightful discovery, Cynthia (Avery Konrad) swinging from a rope around her neck. Everyone assumes it’s suicide, but upon further investigation they discover she was actually strangled and they cut off her finger to keep as a souvenir.

“That’s where I died.” | Vanessa sets a fire as a diversion so she can sneak out of the hospital, but frustratingly discovers Axel has changed the security code to get out. Mohamad (Oliver Mahoro Smith) convinces her to take him along, he will help her find her daughter and she will help him find his sister, Sheema. They sneak through the city and get to Vanessa’s old apartment, she wants answers about the night she died. She sees the blood stain where she died, and goes into her daughter’s room. She has a very real, very emotional moment when she finds a picture of her and her daughter. After she gets herself together she grabs a hidden shotgun and is ready to leave when she notices bloody footprints leaving the apartment. She knows her daughter got out the night she died, and she is elated!

“You want me? Here I am.” | Vanessa and Mohamad stumble upon a group of humans struggling to fight off a few feral vampires and Vanessa decides to play hero and help. The sounds of the fight attracted Feeders, Vanessa knows it’s her they want so she tells Mohamad to take these people to the hospital. Vanessa thinks she will be able to kill all the Feeders, but she is shocked by how many there are. She is quickly overpowered, captured, and taken to Julian.

Back at the hospital, Doc and Axel tell the others that Cynthia’s death was murder. They all begin accusing one another of the crime when John (David Cubitt) accuses Mohamad, says that’s why he must have left. This angers Sam. Later, Flesh gets Sam alone and asks they can trust each other, Sam says yes. Then asks Flesh a few questions about bring a vampire, the first was just curiosity as to what it was like. But his second question may reveal his true purpose for befriending Flesh, he asked the man if being a vampire improved his hearing. Yes, Flesh said it improved all his senses, including his hearing.

“Is Vanessa coming back?” | Mohamad gets the group of strangers to the hospital safely and quickly explains to Axel what happened. One member of the new party is badly injured and Doc rushes to his aid, meanwhile Sam envelops Mohamad into a tight hug. He missed his best friend and the only person he can successfully communicate with.

What did you think of the episode? I know we at OMFGTV were left many questions after that final cliffhanger! Was a reason behind Sam’s questions for Flesh? What will happen to Vanessa now that she has been captured? Will Sheema and the others be able to take out the power plant, will she be reunited with her brother Mohamad? And what can we make of this new group at the hospital? Do you trust them? Let us know what you think will happen next week below!

Van Helsing airs Fridays at 10pm on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Dan Power/Helsing S1 Productions/Syfy

Written By

Christina is a SoCal native who enjoys spending her spare time catching up on all of her favorite television shows, especially those with badass female leads. Favorite shows include: Wynonna Earp, The 100, Quantico, The Shannara Chronicles, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and countless others.

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