The Secret Circle: The Death of Two

And the body count rises..

We won’t see the witches of Chance Harbor again for a couple weeks, but that didn’t stop us from getting some killer scoop on what’s ahead. For that we went straight to the source.

“No one is safe,” showrunner of The Secret Circle Andrew Miller tells us.

We caught up with the man behind the magic last week in Canada where the show is filmed to talk about what’s to come for the rest of the season.

Answer: A bloodbath.

“There are two characters in particular who will be killed off and it may upset fans, but it is necessary for the direction we are headed,” says Miller. “These deaths will have a huge impact on the Circle and will play a big part come season two.”

How much of an impact will it have on the Circle? So much so that Miller revealed to us the two characters whose days are numbered are in fact IN the Circle! He wasn’t kidding when he said no one is safe. This is an interesting move since the Circle had already lost one of their own (Nick) in the beginning of the season after just a few short episodes.

When the show returns on Thursday, April 19th, we will be introduced to three new characters over the next two episodes. Two of the three (one male and one female) will join and complete the Circle by season’s end. The addition of a new male and female witch to the group doesn’t necessarily mean a male and female from Cassie’s Circle will die.

Furthermore, Miller shares that they are exploring a possibility of one of the departed being resurrected in season two, “If that happens, he or she will come back as an entirely different person, unbeknownst to the Circle, whose main focus is to target the surviving parents of the main circle.

Two days ago actor Joe Lando (John Blackwell) tweeted his reaction:

Watch a quick excerpt of our interview with Andrew Miller below where he teases us with a hint on who may or may not be leaving the Circle. Can you guess which two Witches he’s referring to?

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