The Secret Circle Blooper Reel

The Secret Circle Blooper ReelThe blooper reel for The Secret Cricle has popped up online and we have a feeling fans will be hitting the replay button over and over.

Highlights of the UNCENSORED blooper reel include Jessica Parker Kennedy (Melissa) growling at her flubbed lines, the clumsiness of the very beautiful Phoebe Tonkin (Faye), and Thomas Dekker’s (Adam) and Phoebe’s wild, but infectious laugh. Tonkin can always use this excuse, “Hey, when you’ve been swimming in the water for as long as I have, you’d have a hard time walking on dry land as well!”

We’re also loving the little snippets of Brittany Robertson’s running scenes. We’ve joked before how Robertson screams in most of The Secret Circle promos, so a montage of that would’ve been great, also. There’s also a bit where a crew member scares her, which is something she might be used to by now. Click here to watch the Scream 4 blooper reel where a crew member jumps out at her. Trivia: Brittany Robertson had a small role in Scream 4 which is a franchise that was created by Kevin Williamson who was also an Executive Producer on The Secret Circle!

Lastly, we can’t get enough of all the F-bombs used by the cast members. So just a quick warning: The video below contains LOTS of swearing!

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