The Secret Circle 119: Crystal | Preview

“Eben is now more powerful than the Circle can deal with,” says The Secret Circle showrunner Andrew Miller.

To defeat Eben, the Witch Hunters and the demons they’re resurrecting, the Circle must locate the remaining six crystals. Horcruxes, anyone?

In episode 19 “Crystal” we meet Jake’s grandfather, Royce Armstrong, played by John de Lancie (Torchwood). “He is this very eccentric, very strange conspiracy theorist Elder,” laughs Miller. “He has a lot of ridiculously crazy ideas about the history of Witchcraft and where it’s all headed.”

Watch his producers preview below and get a glimpse of Faye having a little too much fun making Magic with one of the crystals.

The Secret Circle airs Thursdays at 9|8c on The CW.

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