If you had told me a few years ago that The Vampire Diaries’ Klaus would be getting his own show, I would’ve laughed in your face. “Why would someone watch a show about such a hated character?” I would’ve asked you. It’s no secret amongst my friends that I absolutely hated Klaus and couldn’t wait for the day his character would finally be written off the show. Then a couple of seasons after, something happened. The instant we saw Klaus had feelings for Caroline, my hatred toward him had completely disappeared. Yes, I became a Klaroline shipper and the thought of Klaus leaving Caroline behind in Mystic Falls for New Orleans broke my heart.
During the final few episodes of Vampire’s last season, I was interested in seeing how the show’s writers would make the Original vampires likeable enough for viewers to follow them on their spin-off. Klaus returned for Caroline’s graduation and stopped his ban from Tyler returning to Mystic Falls; Rebekah had a cute little flirt-mance with Matt. And now that brings us to The Originals, the new series following the Original family of vampires as they had back home to New Orleans, the town that Klaus built.
To prepare for the series premiere, I did a 3-episode marathon of The Originals; starting with the backdoor pilot that aired in April, the Director’s Cut (which was screened at Comic-Con, and later streamed online), and finally the premiere version which airs tonight. Many fans believe that tonight’s premiere will be the Director’s Cut. To clarify, tonight’s episode features mostly new, never-before-seen footage with a few bits here and there that have already been shown. Below are some teasers of tonight’s premiere.
THE ARRIVAL | The episode starts off with a flashback where we learn when and how The Originals made it to New Orleans. This opening scene is very reminiscent of the very first scene in the series premiere of The Vampire Diaries. I won’t reveal what goes down, but what happens here is such a great way to introduce the Original family. It’s very grisly, very fun!
ALMOST HUMAN | In present day, Rebekah hasn’t joined her brothers in New Orleans yet, but judging from all the promotional artwork for the show, it’s safe to say she’s not too far behind. In the series opener, we see Rebekah having a stay-cation. Away from all the drama, all the violence, and all the blood, Rebekah is seen enjoying her free time as she relaxes on a comfy bed burried deep into a novel, and soaking in a tub with a glass of wine in a candle-filled bathroom. Rebekah may not have gotten the cure, but she’s living the closest she can get to the human life — but not for long.
BOYS WILL BE BOYS | Violence is never the answer. I guess that saying flies out then window when you’re a vampire. After Klaus leaves the cemetery unwilling to help Sophie and the rest of the town’s witches by driving out Marcel and his horde of vampires, Elijah tries to knock some sense into him. Will Klaus give in?
NEW BLOOD | There’s a trio of characters who you will be thirsty to learn more about. The first is Camille, the brave bartender who walks the streets alone at night; Sabine, the beautiful witch who gives nightly voodoo-themed tours and one who is not afraid to tell fellow elder witch Agnes to shut up; and Davina, someone who I won’t say any more about just in case you haven’t seen the Director’s Cut.
HOCUS POCUS | Witch Jane-Anne Devereaux performed a spell to confirm Haley’s pregnancy; you know, because pregnancy tests don’t exist in New Orleans. Unfortunately, using magic is against Marcel’s rules and in doing so, cost her her life. But if you think that was the only spell Jane-Anne brewed up, you’d be wrong. I won’t reveal what said spell is, but it is quite shocking.
NEW RELATIONSHIPS | The series premiere also introduces the possibility of new relationships. We’ve already seen the moment Camille and Klaus shared while watching a street artist painting and in which her analysis of the artist reflected what Klaus was going through and lead him to tears. I have a feeling he’ll take a liking to her and become protective of her should Marcel ever feel the need to have her for dessert. The other possible pairing we’ll leave for you to find out when you watch. But it’s clear to see that it’s definitely heading in that direction.
The Originals is off to a great start. The show has the same look and feel of The Vampire Diaries, and with these characters already having been on that show, we hope fans will follow the show after tonight’s premiere onto its new regular night and time, Tuesdays at 8pm, on The CW.
The series premiere of The Originals airs tonight at 9|8c on The CW after the season premiere of The Vampire Diaries!
Rowell was born and raised on Maui, Hawai’i, and now lives in the almost-as-green Pacific Northwest. He’s obsessed with Cirque du Soleil, loves teen dramas (especially those with a supernatural element) and horror movies, and is addicted to sushi. Prior to PopWire, he created individual fan sites for the shows Friends, Hellcats, Nikita and others, which led to creating and working on OMFGTV.