The CW Cancels The Secret Circle

The Secret CircleAfter a magical season of spells, demons, and death, The CW has opted not to renew the freshman drama, The Secret Circle, for another season.

The Secret Circle Showrunner, Andrew Miller, spoke to Entertainment Weekly about what would have happened, had the show gone on for another season.

A reformed Dawn. Now that she’d seen what her selfish desire for power nearly cost her daughter, we’d have seen a different side to her. “I can see her being pitted against Charles in a very big way. Dawn really, not by choice, is becoming an elder essentially. She’s seen how close she was to losing the one love of her life, her daughter, and how badly she’d been betrayed by Blackwell, and how easily she was manipulated because of her thirst for power. I think she’ll become much more of an avenging force for good, and I think that will be a huge problem for the kids and what they encounter with these Balcoin kids,” Miller said.

A bad boy Adam. The Circle tasked Adam with disposing of the Crystal Skull because he’s the most trustworthy and incorruptible, and yet, he looked like he was about to call it “My precious” the last time we saw him caressing it. “Adam has been, like Jake said, a Boy Scout earning moral merit badges for a season and it’s gotten him nowhere. At every step, he’s been doing the right thing, and he’s lost everything. And when he did the right thing by going to find Cassie and Diana and help them, he was completely useless. He was thrown around like a rag doll, even with his individual magic and determination, it wasn’t enough to do s— against John Blackwell. I feel like Adam’s the skinny kid at the beach who gets sand kicked on him, and is like, ‘This will never, ever happen again. I’m writing away to the back of a comic to be a muscle man,’” Miller said. “So oddly, he is the most vulnerable to the Crystal Skull’s seductive dark powers. I think he’s gonna go down a very dark path.”

A bad girl Cassie. The Circle doesn’t fully trust her, she has no parental figure in her life, and Diana just left town to get away from her. Cassie’s also vulnerable to dark magic. “As she’s killing her father and he calls out to her and says, ‘We’re the same’ and it’s not enough to get her to stop, I think it is enough to resonate in her brain. When she’s home alone with nothing else, that’s when that dark magic is the strongest,” Miller said. “She’s always been our touchstone for the balance between dark and light, and I think in killing her own father, even though she had to do it, it takes her to a place just the other side of the balance tip, to the darker side. I’m dying to explore that, where it’s not just will she or won’t she, it’s like, Cassie’s in trouble.”

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