Teen Wolf’s Samantha Logan Talks Assassin’s Greed

featured-teen-wolf-watchFans of MTV’s hit supernatural teen drama Teen Wolf were introduced to another new character on tonight’s installment, “The Benefactor.”

We’ve already met the hunky freshman Garrett (Mason Dye), and tonight we got to meet his gal Violet (Samantha Logan, “666 Park Avenue).”

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Samantha Logan dropped by MTV’s post-episode talk show Wolf Watch where she spoke briefly about her character and her deadly occupation.

“We kind of had a dark past,” Logan explains about Garrett and Violet. “We grew up as orphans. So I think [we’re] just skipping to the whole ‘what do we want?’ [part of our lives]. We’re assassins and we’re going for the money, baby. Kill and money. We’ll do whatever it takes to get the money.”

Of their unknown employer, all they know of is his name. “He’s this mysterious man,” Mason shares. “We haven’t met him. We just are contracted assassins and he pays us to kill werewolves off the list.”

Speaking of killing off werewolves, we got to see Violet do her first on-screen kill. The unfortunate victim was a beer keg delivery guy who was beheaded by Violet’s freakishly awesome necklace. And while the actress doesn’t know what the necklace is made out of (a little bit of wolfsbane, perhaps?) she does share a little behind-the-scenes insight on what they really used.

“Just for shot-wise, and not actually hurting the actor, they replaced it with a little stretchy rubber band,” she reveals, “because I kept breaking it because I was so aggressive and so into it. I got really into it. It was fun, though.”


 • While Samantha Logan and Mason Dye knew each other prior to landing their Teen Wolf roles, they reconnected two weeks prior to filming and to break the ice and prepare for their big makeout scene, they did a pre-kiss in front of the house full of extras.

Teen Wolf airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.

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