Teen Wolf Recap: Remember the Time


Not all monsters do monstrous things.

REMEMBER ME | Meredith is brought into the Sheriff’s office for questioning. With more and more people on the dead pool being marked off the list as being killed, they need to get to the source to stop the body count from rising. When Peter goes in to ask her questions, she’s all too familiar with Peter, but he doesn’t remember her at all. “They’re all gone,” she says of his burn scars. Turns out that they met while they were patients at the same hospital. He was unconscious but his spirit spoke to Meredith telling her that he will kill all of the supernatural beings that exist. It was Peter who was behind the whole thing, he just didn’t remember it.

SAFE HOUSE | Satomi and Kira rally up all the supernatural denizens of Beacon Hills and hide out in the Argent house to escape the assassins after their heads. The safe house, however, isn’t as safe as they thought when about a dozen armed and dangerous killers invade the premises with bullets blazing in all directions. After a long while of trying to get a body to cash in, all of the assassins receive a text message from the Benefactor saying all contracts have been terminated, ceasing all gunfire.

KEY TO IT ALL | At the lake house, Stiles and Malia try to figure out the significance of the record room. After failing to hear anything from the record player, they discover giant machines hidden behind a wall that contains the dead pool. With the help of Lydia, they locate the key to shut off the machines and stop the hit list from being active.

What did you think of the episode? What are Peter’s plans? Leave us your thoughts in the comment section below!

Teen Wolf airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.

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