In “Supergirl’s” antepenultimate season 2 episode, “City of Lost Children,” James forms a bond with the young son of an alien who attacked a...
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In “Supergirl’s” antepenultimate season 2 episode, “City of Lost Children,” James forms a bond with the young son of an alien who attacked a...
With three episodes to go in season 2, “Supergirl” takes a thriller-esque detour with “Alex.” A mysterious terrorist kidnaps Alex, forcing Kara and Maggie...
“iZombie’s” Rahul Kohli stops by “Supergirl” as Lena’s ex-boyfriend, whose scientific breakthrough may not be as life-saving as it seems. Kara attempts to get...
This week on “Supergirl,” Mon-El’s parents issue a bounty on Supergirl, forcing the pair to confront the king and queen of Daxam. Alex meets...
There was relationship drama abound in this week’s “Supergirl” as Mon-El’s parents arrived to Earth to reclaim their son, as Kara realizes that Mon-El...
This week on “Supergirl,” Cadmus begins abducting aliens to execute a dangerous plan called Exodus. Alex crosses the line to find her rogue father,...