With three episodes to go in season 2, “Supergirl” takes a thriller-esque detour with “Alex.” A mysterious terrorist kidnaps Alex, forcing Kara and Maggie...
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With three episodes to go in season 2, “Supergirl” takes a thriller-esque detour with “Alex.” A mysterious terrorist kidnaps Alex, forcing Kara and Maggie...
“The Originals” set off yet another mystical and bloodshed filled party in “Bag of Cobras,” in which the Mikaelsons host a party to try...
Homecoming is upon Riverdale and that means generations young and old will come together for a night of music, dancing, and arrests for murder....
Most people don’t know when or how they will die, but the characters on The 100 face a different problem. They are well aware...
“Iron Fist” closes out its first season with “Dragon Plays With Fire.” With Danny and Colleen on the run, Harold rises to take control...
This week on “Agents of SHIELD,” Daisy teams up with May to escape HYDRA’s clutches, Fitz vows to put an end to SHIELD and...