“The Defenders” lands a sucker punch of a twist and a pair of major character deaths to boot in “Ashes, Ashes.” Stick realizes the...
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“The Defenders” lands a sucker punch of a twist and a pair of major character deaths to boot in “Ashes, Ashes.” Stick realizes the...
The first thing on many peoples minds after watching the Wynonna Earp finale is, “Emily Andras, who hurt you?” The showrunner was the one...
Killjoys really hit us with a big twist in last weeks penultimate episode. It’s Reckoning Night and they’ve all got someone they need to...
“The Defenders” slows down again in “Take Shelter,” in which Luke captures Sowande, a top member of the Hand, as the team tries to...
“The Defenders” takes a breather with a solid, character packed episode “Royal Dragon.” After battling the Hand, Matt, Jessica, Luke and Danny take shelter...
In a standout episode of “The Defenders,” our four heroes finally collide in “Worst Behavior,” as Jessica discovers Matt’s secret, Luke vows to make...