In another fantastic episode of “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” the Baudelaires are sent to live with their original intended guardian, Uncle Monty, who...
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In another fantastic episode of “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” the Baudelaires are sent to live with their original intended guardian, Uncle Monty, who...
In “The Bad Beginning: Part Two,” Olaf plans to execute a sinister plan to marry Violet in a play to get their parents’ fortune,...
Netflix’s highly anticipated adaptation of Daniel Handler’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” book series is finally here, with a star studded cast and a...
Following an ominous warning from Lemony Snicket himself, Netflix has released a more complete look at their upcoming adaptation of “A Series of Unfortunate...
As if the cast of Netflix’s Marvel crossover series couldn’t get any bigger, the newest name to join the show’s ranks should make fans...
Netflix’s four show crossover event series The Defenders is only a year out, and that means that news about the highly anticipated series is...