In a relatively uneventful episode of “Agents of SHIELD,” “A Life Spent” saw Simmons befriend an Inhuman girl who must fight to save her...
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In a relatively uneventful episode of “Agents of SHIELD,” “A Life Spent” saw Simmons befriend an Inhuman girl who must fight to save her...
Hulu has released episodic photography for episode #106 of Marvel’s Runaways, which you can check out below. The installment, titled “Metamorphosis,” is officially described...
The “Runaways” finally show off their full power in “Kingdom” and it’s a glorious sight to behold! Alex is kidnapped by Darius, an old...
“The Gifted” follows up a game changing episode with a game changing cliffhanger in “outfoX.” As the mutants launch a mission to infiltrate Trask...
Over four seasons, “Agents of SHIELD” have faced Nazis, aliens and men with flaming skulls for heads. To say that the two-hour season 5...
In “Runaways'” fourth episode, “Fifteen,” Nico suspects that her parents were behind Amy’s death and goes to the police, while Karolina discovers something amazing...