Top 10 OMFG Moments from Van Helsing’s First Season

Syfy Van Helsing‘s epic season finale aired one week ago, and if you are like us here at OMFGTV, then you’re already missing the kick ass show! To help ease the withdrawals, we have compiled a list of the top 10 OMFG moments from Van Helsing‘s inaugural season.

10) Episode 6: Axel channels his inner ax murderer and takes out several members of Brendan’s crew | Remember, Brendan had Axel and the rest of Vanessa’s gang behind bars (and might kill them,according to Sam) because one of them has been murdering others in the group. Axel felt his group was safe and that Brendan’s was the real threat, so he escaped and killed many of Brendan’s people in order to release his own.

9) Episode 8: John gets a little too handsy with Susan, ultimately leading to his death | After a few too many beers, John and Susan sneak off for a little alone time, but when Susan tries to stop it John doesn’t take no for an answer. Vanessa catches him with his hands around Susan’s throat, and the group begins to think John is the murderer from the hospital. In an attempt to save Susan from a deranged John, Vanessa throws a knife with expert aim, landing it right in John’s neck, killing him. They hope they got the right guy.

8) Episode 4: Cynthia’s death | Cynthia’s death was shocking because it was the first in a string of murderers done by a single person. Though her death was staged to look like a suicide,her death revealed the killer’s pattern. They strangle their victims, then cut off a finger as a souvenir.

7) Episode 11: The murderer is revealed, and Sampire is created | Midway through the eleventh episode Sam is revealed to be the murderer from the hospital when he takes another life, Susan’s. Through the heartbreak of losing her BFF, Vanessa fights Sam but does not kill him. When she leaves him to die a slow death a feral ends up coming along and turning Sam into a vampire, or Sampire.

6) Episode 10: Doc wants to be a vamp again! | After barely escaping Eden, Doc does the unthinkable and seeks out the vampire Magdalene. She begs the vampire to change her back into one of them, and the vampire obliges. Magdalene bites Doc, but nothing happens. Because of Vanessa, Doc is now immune to vampire bites and can never be one of them again. This is also the last we see of Doc in the season, what could she be up to?

5) Episode 1: Vanessa wakes up after a 3 year coma and turns a vampire back into a human | The season kicks off with a vampire biting Vanessa, waking her from her coma. That vampire was Flesh, and because of her blood he turned back into a human. It is revealed that her blood could be the cure the humans need to save their kind, she could be their savior.

4) Episode 9: Doc leaves Axel behind to die | Doc parallels her actions from the past by closing the door on Axel when he was trapped in quarantine with a vampire. She could have held the door open just a few seconds longer and saved him, but instead she chose to let the man who saved her die at the hands of a vampire.

3) Episode 12: Mohamad betrayal is revealed | What Vanessa thought was a rescue mission to save Sheema and look for Dylan was actually a trap for her, set by Dmitri and made possible by Mohamad. It is revealed at the end of the episode that Mohamad has been working for Dmitri the whole time, that’s why he so desperately wanted to get back to her when he was apart from the group.

2) Episode 13: Axel is alive…sort of | The final scene of the season shows Axel clawing his way out of the bunker, unfortunately he is no longer human. It looks like we will be seeing vamp Axel in season 2!

1) “Hello mother.” | That’s right, the number one OMFG moment from Van Helsing’s first season is vampire Dylan! She did survive The Rising, unfortunately it wasn’t as a human. Rebecca has been keeping Vanessa’s daughter with her all along, presumably to use as bait against Vanessa. I guess Vanessa won’t be going to Denver anymore.

What were some of your favorite moments from season 1? Let us know below!

Be sure to catch Van Helsing‘s second season, coming to Syfy in 2017!

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