“The Magicians” Exclusive: Trevor Einhorn Talks Where Josh Has Been, Where He’s Going, Teases Huge Reveal & More

Syfy’s The Magicians is one of the most ground breaking shows of its time, and that’s due to the fact that the show doesn’t shy away from taboo topics, such as drugs and partying. Josh Hoberman, played by Trevor Einhorn, has been around since season 1 as the main group’s provider of drugs, laughs, and good times. But how is he faring without magic? OMFGTV jumped on the phone with Trevor to get the 4-1-1 about Josh and how he’s surviving without magic and to find out if we will be seeing him any more this season.

“Josh came in at the end of season 1 and is just this sort of fun-loving, joking, always willing to have a good time sort of guy,” Trevor tells us. “And I think he lives up to that hype, especially when it comes to the drugs and partying.” We’ve seen Josh with everything from acid carrots to large amounts of marijuana, he’s definitely not shy about his drug use and his willingness to share with his stash others.

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The character has always been a lot of fun for Trevor to play, but this season takes it up a notch because we see how losing magic starts to affect Josh. “I was always hoping that there was going to be more than just that one little mission [in season 1],” he says, “and then season 2 came around and it just felt like we had even more to dive into with Josh and getting to be King of Fillory for a day was just a ton of fun and sort of caused a ruckus there. And now we’re seeing a bit of a darker side, where he’s a little bit more in tune with how much magic meant to him. With magic being gone, it really took a toll on Josh in particular, so that was fun to attack in that way.”

Trevor often had to act like he was high for his scenes, but that didn’t seem to be too difficult for him, he loved it! “It’s pretty great because [Josh is] always there to try to have a good time, and when the essence of someone is like that, it makes it a fun time at work.” Especially on a show like The Magicians, where they tackle several darker storylines. “I feel like a lot of the time, with our other characters especially on set, there’s a lot of dark storylines that we have to attack, and it’s tough as an actor to get to that place. For me to just be the comedic relief and be a support system, I naturally fall into that as a friend, too. So I enjoy the character because it allows me to tap into my natural abilities of just being a good, supportive friend, and also there for a good time if someone needs it.”

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At this point in the story, not many people have been to Fillory, yet Josh has been stuck there and been King for a day. Now he’s back on Earth without magic and he’s definitely struggling. “He knows how powerful magic can be,” Einhorn says.

“He knows how fun it is. It’s almost like you taste it once and that’s all you want to be at. I think that is always in the back of his mind, of how amazing Fillory was and how it’s not comparing at all to this barren, sad world that we live in, and now especially without any magic! So I think that was an extra layer, especially for Josh, that was different than the rest of the characters.”

We’ve only seen Josh with the main crew a handful of times, so we had to ask Trevor what he thinks Josh is doing when he’s not helping everyone out. “Well right now he’s trying to find magic any way he can.” Josh really does not like the whole not-having-magic thing. “He’s probably gonna be cookin’ up come concoctions and other fancy weed treats. I really think he spends most of his time doing that, surfing the web for some good YouTube clips, finding some new podcasts to listen to, and then hopefully running into someone where he can share all the things that he’s just found.” And what about his tomatoes? “Definitely growing tomatoes! They’re a little less powerful now without the magic, but what can you do about it. It’s a good acidic fruit, it goes with everything!”

If you’ve been keeping up with the show then you know we haven’t seen Josh in several episodes, not since episode 302, and according to Trevor, that is intentional. This will lead to “a huge reveal of why” he’s been gone for weeks.

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Josh hasn’t always been a huge part of the story, just popping in from time to time when his friends need him, but it sounds like we will be getting a lot more Josh time. “Josh definitely goes on a huge adventure with the group this season, and like everybody tapping into looking at themselves and what magic meant to them is a big theme of this show, and for Josh, we’re gonna get to see another side other than just the funny stoner. We’re gonna dive deep into not only what magic meant to him, but what he means to his friends. I’m really excited for everyone to see that, it’s gonna be a lot of fun!”

Trevor would like to thank the fans and writers for making Josh so popular and loved. “I really appreciate how much the fans enjoy this lovable stoner,” he says. “I think it’s a really good job on the writers for making this character sort of multi-layered.” Josh isn’t just the stupid stoner, he’s layered. “This guy has a lot of emotions and feelings that he goes through, but he also enjoys getting stoned. Which I think a lot of people do. There’s a lot of smart stoners out there, and I think that’s what makes it so relatable. Especially with weed culture right now, it’s just sort of nice to bridge the gap. It’s been a lot of fun grounding that sort of character. I think this season is our best yet, and I’m really excited for the fans to continue watching. We go on a really long journey.”

Where can you find Trevor Einhorn in the future outside of the Syfy series? He’s working on multiple projects, but he can’t say anything yet so just keep your eyes peeled!

The Magicians airs Wednesdays at 9pm on Syfy.

Photo Credit: Tyler Kandel; Eike Schroter/Syfy
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