“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” Season 2 Idea: Brutus Makes a Deal With the Devil

Brutus once again swipes his finger in several motions on the top of the box while background music plays. This time the camera pulls in close to the box. Something surely is about to happen. But it doesn’t.

Brutus turns away and mutters to himself while swiping his finger through the air trying to remember the correct combination of movements.

So, it’s circle, square, sad face, squiggly line, carry the 3, divide by 2, triangle? Or is it star?

While this is happening, Christine looks at the box on the counter, picks it up, and lifts a tiny latch in the front and opens the box. Brutus realizes she has opened it, grabs it, and presents it to her.

This… *this* is the Kokua Bracelet. There are only two of its kind in the whole universe.

Christine looks at the bracelet in awe and reaches her hand toward it. Brutus quickly slaps her hand.

No touch.

(shaking her hand)

Wear this bracelet when you feel like something really bad is about to happen and it’ll protect you… from anything.


What did I just say? Yes. Anything. It can help you if you’re drowning; it can help you if you’ve been severely injured. Rowell said it can even bring some people back to life. I don’t know if that’s true. He did seem kinda [whistles in crazy]. The important thing to remember is that the Kokua Bracelet can only help protect the one who is wearing it. So put it on when you sense danger and never take it off.

Sense danger, never take it off. Got it.

So, we got a deal?

Yes. We have a deal.

Perfect! Now, can I check out this book?

Brutus picks up the book “Humans for Dummies” and shows it to Christine.

Oh. I don’t work here.

Well, in that case, I’ll just take it anyway. I got some very important reading to do. You sure you don’t work here? You even called security. Where are they by the way?

I didn’t call security. I don’t even know if this school has security. I just did that to scare you away.

Well played.

Thanks, Brutus.

The two of them smile at each other and Christine picks up the open box examining the bracelet. The camera slowly zooms to her face as a smirk starts to appear.

A bolt of lightning flashes across the screen as we transition to the next shot.

It’s raining and lightning strikes in the dark sky. Crane shot starts above the building and slowly lowers down. Another lightning strike flashes, illuminating the sign for the facility indicating that it’s the local morgue. Camera continues to lower and goes into steadicam near the double door entrance and we see a male mortician coming out of it. We only see the lower part of his legs as the camera is near the ground. He opens the door and says goodbye to his colleague.

They’re still cleaning up at the school. Must’ve been one hell of a prom. I’ll see you tomorrow. The husband and kids need me. Have a good night. Don’t stay up too late, now.

By the mortician saying this, it establishes that this morgue scene takes place after the deadly events of the prom.

As he leaves, the camera enters through the doors, still near the ground. The camera heads down a poorly lit hallway with ceiling lights that flicker. The camera then turns into a room and slowly rises up to show a body on the table. The body is completely covered with a sheet, but the camera passes an exposed arm that is hanging off the table.

We see that the hand is wearing the Kokua Bracelet. The bracelet shines and glows briefly. The glow then travels up the arm and throughout the body underneath the sheet. The camera rises up once more for an overhead shot of the body. Suddenly, the body quickly sits upright, the sheet on the upper half falling down to the waist. Christine’s eyes are wide open as she takes a big gasp of air. She’s alive.


Written by: Rowell E.

Photo Credit: Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY, Alex Stead/Blue Ice Pictures/SYFY
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