“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” Season 2 Idea: Brutus Makes a Deal With the Devil

I’ll… I’ll try my best to see what I can get from him.

Thank you so, so much! You have no idea what this means to me.

Brutus starts to walk away.

Brutus? Brutus!

Brutus stops and whips around. And remembers that he still has to offer his side of the deal.

Oh, right!

Brutus heads towards the counter.

So… what kind of protection are we talking here?

Brutus looks around to see if what he’s about to do will be witnessed by anyone. There are still a few students in the library.

I’ll be right back.


Brutus walks through the library in between the aisles of shelves until he finds a spot where no one can see him. He vanishes. Back at the counter, Christine looks at the book Brutus had left there. She gives a confused look. Seconds later, Brutus returns with a small, ornate box.

I got this magical item during my travels in Hawai’i. It was a tiny shop on the west side of Maui. The seller of this magical item, Rowell, was tough. He initially wouldn’t sell.

What made him change his mind? What did you give this Rowell?

This won’t make sense to you now, because you can’t see it, but let’s just say I used to have *two* horns.

Brutus swipes his index finger in several motions across the top of the box while mysterious music plays in the background indicating that something magical is happening. He steps back waiting for it to pop open, but nothing happens.

Hmmm. That’s odd. Let me try again.
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