“Astrid & Lilly Save the World” Season 2 Idea: Brutus Makes a Deal With the Devil

Excuse me? Hello?

Brutus doesn’t seem to notice or hear that Christine is trying to get his attention.


Brutus is startled and makes a funny shrieking “BAH!” sound. Turns in her direction.


Sir. Who are you and what are you doing here?

Uh… none of your business and uh… yeah, also none of your business.

Sir, if you don’t tell me who you are and what you’re doing here, right at this very moment, I’ll have no choice but to call security.

I’m uh… the… Spanish teacher. Mr… [looks at the title of the book he’s holding] Dummie (pronounces it “Doo-mee-aye”). Yeah, I’m French.

Well, Mr. “Dummie,” Let me tell you something. I know all the teachers here at Pine Academy as well as all the parents of each student who goes here. So, let me ask you this one last time… Who are you and what are you doing here?

Brutus approaches the counter.

Fine. Fine! I’ll tell you. The name’s Brutus, but you can call me… Brutus. [Whispers] I’m looking for a couple of young girls.

Christine makes a sound of disgust, picks up the phone, and dials a number.

(into phone)
Security, there’s a creeper here in the library that needs to be escorted off the property right away.

Brutus panics and clicks on the desk phone ending the call.

Wait, wait, wait. You’ve got it all wrong. I’m looking for Astrid and Lilly. They’re about this high and always look like they’re ready to kick some ass. I’m just here to give them a message.
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