
“Supergirl” Recap: Supergirl vs the World

This week on “Supergirl’s” “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?,” Manchester Black escapes from prison and sets on a mission to challenge everything Supergirl stands for. Nia tries to train to her full potential, while Lockwood receives an interesting opportunity.

Mad Hatter | As J’onn is visiting Manchester Black in prison, he gets knocked out by an unoriginally named guy called Hat, who can pull anything out of his magic hat. The two of them, along with Menagerie and an invisible alien, escape and go on a reign of terror, which surprisingly earns them a lot of sympathy, to the point that people are taking selfies with them rather than calling the cops. Huh?

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Supergirl, Nia, J’onn and Brainy see Manchester challenging Supergirl on TV and he embeds a location into the message. She goes to see him and he reveals to her that President Baker has a secret satellite called Project Claymore that will shoot down any alien ships coming to Earth.

Capitol Hill | Baker himself meets with Lockwood, who has been chatting with Cooper, an agent of Liberty who’s been keeping the lights on, so to speak, while he was in prison. Lockwood tries to talk the President into putting the Children of Liberty on government payroll, which goes down as well as you’d expect, but soon after, Supergirl confronts Baker on Project Claymore, which he defends despite her objections.

Let My People Go | Supergirl tells Alex about Claymore, but Alex’s hands are tied due to her working for the DEO. Supergirl, J’onn, Dreamer and Brainy show up at Claymore’s launch site to fight Manchester and his crew, but during the battle, Hat steals Brainy’s Legion ring. Manchester launches the satellite and reprograms it to fire at the White House, but Alex arrives to subdue Manchester and give Supergirl her Iron Man suit so she can fly into space and pivot the satellite away from the White House. But after that, she destroys it and Manchester and his crew get away.

Baker is furious at Supergirl for destroying the satellite and after she leaves, he offers Lockwood a cabinet position as director of alien affairs. Alex confronts Haley about Claymore, but Haley had no idea about it, prompting Alex to talk to Lena, who’s just moved into the DEO for her secret project, and offer to help her. Lockwood meets Cooper and a few of his followers and Cooper challenges Lockwood’s rule as Agent Liberty. Lockwood’s natural response? Beat Cooper to death with his Agent Liberty mask!

“Supergirl” airs Sundays on The CW.

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