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“Supergirl” Recap: Turkey Day Takes A Dark Turn

“Supergirl’s” latest episode, “Call to Action,” shows the toll this dangerous anti-alien rhetoric is taking on our heroes. Kara debates Ben Lockwood on TV, while James tries to get through to one of Agent Liberty’s followers. Lena’s alien research takes an interesting turn, while Nia gets caught in a lie.

The Manifesto | After Supergirl catches Manchester Black beating up the “Children of Liberty” who are doing Lockwood’s dirty work against innocent aliens, they drop their manifesto from the sky. In the confusion, Manchester kidnaps one of them and has him tortured in his apartment’s bathroom for information on Agent Liberty.

Meanwhile, Lena’s been a busy bee: Not only is she conducting experiments with the alien rock that gives Krypton its life in an attempt to cure cancer, but she books James on a talk show called Counterpoint to debate someone on the anti-alien sentiment. James, however, is busy meeting Tom, one of the Children of Liberty, trying to get the bottom of things and he and Lena have a spat about their conflicting viewpoints.

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Counterpoint | Kara goes on Counterpoint in James’s steed, but her debate is with none other than Lockwood, who takes control of the studio audience from her by saying that aliens could wipe out humanity. James talks to Tom while the latter walks his dog, who keeps barking at random houses in the neighborhood, while Lena discovers that the alien rock made a cancer cell sample invincible.

But enough drama for now, it’s Thanksgiving! As everyone gathers at Kara’s place for dinner, Nia chats with Eliza Danvers about her “narcolepsy,” which she blames for her sleeping on the job. Nia contradicts herself by telling Eliza that she’s been seeing a doctor about it, which is the opposite of what she told Kara. During dinner, Lena floats the possibility of “leveling the playing field” by giving people superpowers to combat fears of aliens having an unfair advantage. If you’re thinking that Lena is uncharacteristically becoming a megalomaniac, don’t worry, Alex agrees as she points out that that would be playing God.

We’re All Agent Liberty | During dinner, James mentions his dog walking with Tom, which makes Brainy realize that the Liberty masks can see hidden markings, which the gang figures out Tom had spray painted on houses where aliens live. As Alex and Supergirl mobilize, James goes to see Tom to talk him out of it, to which Lena protests. After James insists that he can handle himself without her, Lena confesses that she got his charges as Guardian dropped and also says that she loves him. James, however, is furious that she lied to him and storms out.

After Supergirl and Alex take down a few Children of Liberty, Manchester outright murders a few who turn up at his door. After a fun, but ultimately pointless, scene of Supergirl fighting an alien dragon thingy- We get dragons in “Supergirl” and “Legacies!”- Manchester returns his attention to the captive Liberty man in his bathroom, whom he executes. James meets Tom again and seems to have turned Tom’s opinion on Agent Liberty, but more Children show up and take James in the back of a van. Back at L Corp, Lena orders Eve to test the alien rock on a human subject.

“Supergirl” airs Sundays on The CW. Happy Thanksgiving!

Written By

A native of Boise, Idaho, Bradley is a hardcore entertainment junkie whose interest span many different genres. Favorite shows include: The Originals, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Silicon Valley and Powers.

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