
“Supergirl” Recap: Hope Vs. Fear

After last week’s topical episode dealing with fear and division against the “other” in our country, “Supergirl’s” latest, “Fallout,” turns that up to 11. Mercy Graves begins a systematic attack on aliens in National City, while President Marsdin’s outing as an alien divides the citizens. Brainiac experiences injustice firsthand, while Nia encourages James to take a stand.

Mercy, Not So Much | After Marsdin is forced to resign from the Oval Office, due to her violating the constitution, Mercy Graves breaks into L Corp and steals some of Lena’s manufactured Kryptonite, before returning to the tower while Kara, Lena and Eve Tessmocker are inside. After a frustrating sequence in which Kara uses her powers “covertly” to take out Mercy’s men and Lena should’ve put two and two together at least five times, Lena confronts Mercy and after a cool fight between them, Supergirl arrives just in time to arrest Mercy.

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Where We Stand | Nia goes out for some coffee and ends up at the same pizza place where Brainy is, just as Mercy hacks into his image inducer and shows his alien face to the pizza guy, who tries to attack him. Nia sticks up for him and then asks James to write an editorial on where CatCo stands on the anti-alien sentiment. And she casually drops into the conversation that she’s a transgender woman, which was admiringly underplayed, seeing as it shouldn’t be a big deal. James wants to fairly present both sides of the argument and not anger anti-alien readers, but after witnessing a coworker harassing an alien reporter, writes a positive editorial regardless.

Seeds of Doubt | While Otis and Mercy are in the DEO jail cell, Mercy talks to Agent Jensen and seems to know his name, trying to convince him that the DEO’s pro-alien views are bad for this country. As Supergirl meets Vice President Baker (“Tron: Legacy’s” Bruce Boxleiter) before he is sworn in as President, Jensen breaks out Otis and Mercy and helps them steal the device that irradiated the air with lead back in season two. Meanwhile, J’onn tracks down a cop who’s information was on Fiona’s laptop, and follows him to a rally lead by Agent Liberty as he rallies a crowd of alien haters to rise up. At that moment, Mercy loads Lena’s Kryptonite into the device and activates it, as Supergirl starts to get sick and falls through the sky.

“Supergirl” airs Sundays at 8pm on The CW.

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