
“Supergirl” Recap: Just When I Thought I Was Out…

“Supergirl” is just dragging out its ludicrous final few episodes in “Make It Reign.” With Kara and Mon-El stranded on Argo City, Serena sets an apocalyptic plan into motion. Samantha’s health inexplicably starts to decline, which could be the key to stopping Serena.

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Rebirth | In this laughable episode, Serena and two random women we’ve never met before align with Coville to recreate Reign using the blood of Purity and Pestilence, which is locked up in the DEO. Samantha starts to feel weak, which Lena finds out is because her cells are dying and being replaced with Reign’s. Supergirl and Mon-El manage to make it back to Earth using an old portal at the DEO, and for some reason, Alura comes with them. But Serena and her cronies make it out with the blood samples and kill some random DEO agent, which the show thinks is so dramatic to put in slow motion and show everyone’s horrified reactions. Who the hell was this guy???

The Old World | As Serena and co. resurrect Reign and finally kill Coville, Lena figures out that Samantha getting stronger could make Reign weaker. Via some completely out of left field plot convenience, the only way to kill Reign is for Samantha to go into the mental woods thingy and do… something. This means electrocuting Samantha when she’s barely hanging in there, but she’s game for it.

But Reign uses some magic sword thingy- it’s so hard to keep this straight- to fly into the center of the Earth to start a terraforming process that will turn Earth into New Krypton and kill everyone on Earth. Supergirl flies into the chaos, while M’yrnn, who was transferring his memories into J’onn’s mind, says he can fuse with the Earth and sacrifice himself to stop the terraforming process. How does that work exactly? Who cares? The episode ends before before answering!

“Supergirl” airs Mondays on The CW.

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