
“Supergirl” Recap: The Lying Game

“Supergirl” is showing signs of a solid final few episodes in “The Fanatical,” which tied up multiple plot lines into one hour. James’s identity as Guardian is threatened by disciples of Coville, forcing James to make a hard call. Supergirl faces a similar decision regarding whether or not to tell Lena about her secret identity.

Deliverance | A former member of Coville’s cult, Tonya, escapes with his book of Rao’s teachings and goes to James and Kara to get the book to Supergirl. Tonya says that the remaining members of Coville’s cult are now worshipping Reign and want to use a sacred item to make a new worldkiller. Olivia, one of the members of the cult, infiltrates CatCo and kidnaps Tonya as James suits up as Guardian to chase after her. During the fight, James’s mask gets knocked off and Olivia gets away, as Tonya figures out James’s secret.

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All Things to All People | Supergirl and Lena are still on complicated terms, with Lena admitting to Supergirl’s face that they’re not even friends. Cold. Kara debates whether or not to tell Lena the truth, something she should’ve done a whole season ago! In lighter news, Alex and J’onn take Ruby and M’yrnn to the arcade and they all bond as Ruby finally stops sulking about her mother’s fate.

Olivia sends James a message saying that they’ll out him as Guardian if Tonya doesn’t turn herself in with the book. James tells Lena that he’ll beat them to the punch and out himself at a press conference, which Winn points out is the same scenario as “Ransom.” What, no “The Dark Knight” references? Oh, wait…

Three Birds with One Stone | Lena figures out that the substance that Olivia wants to use to become a worldkiller could also reverse Reign into Samantha. Plus, it saves the world and protects James’s identity! How convenient! Supergirl and Mon-El track down Olivia, but she has worldkiller powers as long as she is touching the sacred rock. Supergirl talks her down from killing her, telling Olivia that she could do good things, and Olivia gives up the rock. Unfortunately, it was drained of energy and can’t be used to save Samantha. But there is an incoming meteor with the same energy signature that Supergirl and Mon-El fly to! Again, how convenient! Oh, and the whole dilemma about Kara not telling Lena who she is? Glossed over and saved for a future episode! That’s if that happens, mind you. In an episode that was so good otherwise, that’s my gripe.

“Supergirl” airs Mondays at 8pm on The CW.

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