
“Supergirl” Recap: Trust Me

Last week’s “Supergirl” got on my nerves for not advancing the storyline and dragging out the worldkiller storyline for another week. This week’s episode, “Trinity,” learned from last week’s errors and was one of the better episodes of the season.

As the worldkillers set their final plan into motion, Supergirl struggles to trust Lena after recent revelations. She recruits James to go behind Lena’s back to find out the truth, while Mon-El faces a personal crisis and Alex gets an upgrade.

The Big Gamble | Lena shares her information about Samantha and Reign to the DEO and Supergirl is furious that Lena kept a secret from her. Pot calling kettle black, anyone? Even Lena points out the hypocrisy later on. Which leads to my big issue with the episode: I’ve mentioned a few times the fan theory that Lena has known Supergirl’s true identity since day one and is keeping her mouth shut to protect her friend. I was so convinced this week would finally confirm that theory.

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Spoiler alert: It doesn’t and Lena is still clueless by the end of the episode. At this point, Lena really should’ve put two and two together, especially after finding out that Alex works for the DEO.

Also, in an earlier episode, she told Kara about Mon-El’s return, when she only knew him by his alias, Mike. The evidence that she knows is overwhelming, I wish the writers would just man up and confirm it.

The Dark Place | Anyway, back to the action! The worldkillers do some ritual that causes a solar eclipse, stripping Supergirl of her powers and potentially, wait for it, killing the world! I’ve been waiting to use that line. Samantha and Julia are trapped in the mental prison, with Grace gone for good and both of them are slowly forgetting who they are.

Brainiac uses future technology to Inception-beam Supergirl, Alex and Lena into the woods to talk Samantha and Julia back to reality. They succeed, and Samantha sends a signal from the worldkiller’s fortress, alerting team Supergirl, who arrive to kick some ass. And Winn gives Alex a supercool battle suit with a magnetic gun that fires energy blasts!

Two Down, One to Go | After a lengthy battle, Julia snaps out of her trance and kills Pestilence, who kills her back. The two worldkillers’ powers funnel into Reign, who escapes. Meanwhile, James suits up as Guardian per Supergirl’s orders to break into Lena’s secret vault to see if she has any Kryptonite left. James refuses to open the vault, but tells Supergirl that it was empty. He later confesses this to Lena, saying that he trusts her completely. Lena responds by telling James that she found a way to manufacture Kryptonite.

“Supergirl” airs Mondays at 8pm on The CW.

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