Secret Circle Poster Sightings

It’s that time of the year when posters, banners, billboards, and mobile advertisements for CW shows start to pop up.

Around this time last year, many pre-fans spotted posters for Hellcats and Nikita all over their cities and shared them online.

These can be found at bus stops and other areas, but you’ll most likely see these advertisements at your local mall.

The photo on the left was uploaded online by Louis Hunter who plays Nick on The Secret Circle.

This poster is one of the many new posters including individual character posters that were recently released by The CW and Warner Bros.

View the New Secret Circle Individual Character Posters

Executive Producer Andrew Miller posted a Facebook update about their office getting the new posters as well. Below is the photo he posted which is a variant from the one above and much larger.

Discover Your Power Secret Circle Poster in Office

You can view the official image used for these posters here.

Lastly, these advertisements have been showing up on buses, as well! Here is another photo by EP Andrew Miller that he tweeted.

Advertising on buses like in the photo above is nothing new for Warner Bros. and The CW. I remember years ago when they did this for One Tree Hill and Supernatural except the ad covered the entire bus, which was awesome.

These sightings gave us at Populr an idea. Click here for more info!

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