SDCC: “Cloak & Dagger” Cast Talk Season 1’s Finale, Potential “Runaways” Crossover and More!

With the day old news that “Cloak & Dagger” will return for a second season on Freeform, the show’s cast and creators talked with OMFGTV at San Diego Comic Con 2018 to preview the final two episodes of the season and discuss the important issues that the series tackles.

First up, creator and executive producer Joe Pokaski talked about the recent episode “Lotus Eaters” and described how it came to be. “We were so excited about the idea of ‘Groundhog Day’ on the oil rig that gave Tandy and Tyrone their powers,” Pokaski said. “We got really excited about the idea of Tandy talking to her dad. The great TV episodes always have that emotional pull. And late in the process we found that scene on the phone; the moment where they become best friends.”

Pokaski also revealed another Marvel television series that influenced “Cloak & Dagger.” “I worked on the first season of ‘Daredevil,’ one of the first gritty comic book shows,” Pokaski said. “Telling the story of a blind lawyer and telling the story of Wilson Fisk where you kind of agree with him even as he’s bashing a man’s head in with a car door proves that it’s all about character.”

Emma Lahana, who plays Detective Brigid O’Reilly, revealed the drive behind her character. “Even if it’s not the easy thing to do, if it’s the right thing to do, she’ll do it,” Lahana said. “That’s what I love about Brigid. She’s in an industry that’s full of men, she’s the new woman on the block and she’s trying to fight against brutality and systemic racism. I really appreciate so much that the show goes there.”

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Lahana also was asked about the recent “Luke Cage” reference to Misty Knight and if she would want to work with Simone Missick. “I would die to work with Simone. She is so damn cool! We could just film the crossover on our phones in the parking lot!” Lahana laughed.

Ally Maki, who plays the original character of Mina Hess, teased her character’s journey in the upcoming final two episodes of the season by revealing that Mina and Tandy will team up to confront Peter Scarborough about his misdeeds.

“You’ve seen Mina and Tandy have those emotional conversations and be more vulnerable, but now you’re going to see them team up and become the kick butt girls that you know they are.” Maki said. She also teased future interactions between Mina and Tyrone. “I hope in season two, there will be more interaction because I think that could go some really fun places.”

Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt discussed the intense drama that the series has been dealing with. “I’m so happy that we have a show like that for Marvel that’s so grounded and dramatic and shows what kids go through,” Joseph said. “I didn’t realize how impactful this show was going to be,” Holt added. “Each script that I got, I was sort of blown away by how much was going on, from homelessness to drug addiction and sexual assault, to the issues that Tyrone is going through with depression and his family issues.”

“It’s so important for us to start these conversations and have an open dialogue,” Holt continued. “It’s taught me perspective. It’s given me a chance to have an open mind and not judge people by the exterior, but really encounter the interior. In episode four, we talk about privilege. When in television history ever have you seen a white female and a black male talk about that?”

“It really showed me to give everyone that respect,” Joseph added. “The fact that we all walk around with this baggage is just a way for us to connect because none of us are perfect. I love that we have a show where the superheroes aren’t intact.”

Finally, Holt and Joseph addressed the possibility of a “Runaways” crossover and what would happen if Tandy and Tyrone met those characters. “I think it’s so cool that there’s another universe that they could crossover with,” Holt said. “Right now, they’re the only two people in the world that they can trust. I think it would be interesting to find kids who are like them and developing these insane powers.” Building off that, Pokaski added, “Those kids are so sweet, and I think we might be in the right orbit to pull that off. But I’d love it if (Cloak and Dagger) showed up in like the third or fourth Spider-Man movie.”

“Cloak & Dagger” airs Thursdays on Freeform.

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