Roman (Matt Lanter) becomes suspicious when his uncle (Johnathan Schaech) shows up and offers help to his family in this installment of Star-Crossed. The...
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Finally! After multiple cliffhangers, plentiful plot twists and a whopping three whole years between seasons, Apple TV+’s Severance is at long last back! If you, like...
Roman (Matt Lanter) becomes suspicious when his uncle (Johnathan Schaech) shows up and offers help to his family in this installment of Star-Crossed. The...
Gone are the days when the lunch lady in your school cafeteria prepares your meals. In Star-Crossed, The CW’s new Sci-Fi drama, selecting you...
Stefan (Paul Wesley), Caroline (Candice Accola) and Matt (Zach Roerig) come up with a desperate new plan to save Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) life in...
It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s 100 juvenile delinquents falling from the sky? The writers of The CW’s upcoming sci-fi drama, The 100,...