Roman (Matt Lanter) is surprised when his mother shows him a secret cell phone found in his late father’s things in this installment of...
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Finally! After multiple cliffhangers, plentiful plot twists and a whopping three whole years between seasons, Apple TV+’s Severance is at long last back! If you, like...
Roman (Matt Lanter) is surprised when his mother shows him a secret cell phone found in his late father’s things in this installment of...
Catherine (Kristen Kreuk) must make a decision between her current boyfriend (Sendhil Ramamurthy) or her former flame (Jay Ryan) in this installment of Beauty...
Family secrets are revealed left and right in last night’s episode of Teen Wolf. Also in the February 17 installment, the possibility of another...
The aliens have landed and the Atrians have invaded Louisiana, and now that the series premiere of The CW’s mid-season sci-fi drama, Star-Crossed, is...