Elijah (Daniel Gillies) receives an intriguing offer from a beautiful woman from a powerful family in this installment of The Originals. The CW has...
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Finally! After multiple cliffhangers, plentiful plot twists and a whopping three whole years between seasons, Apple TV+’s Severance is at long last back! If you, like...
Elijah (Daniel Gillies) receives an intriguing offer from a beautiful woman from a powerful family in this installment of The Originals. The CW has...
Roman (Matt Lanter) makes a stunning discovery when investigating his father’s past in this installment of Star-Crossed. The CW has released details of the...
The latest episode of Teen Wolf took us deep within the Eichen House, the same mental health facility that housed serial killer William Barrow....
The CW’s iZombie finds its first leads. Deadline reports Malcolm Goodwin, David Anders, and Alexandra Krosney have all been cast in the DC Comic...