The Teen Wolf season finale ended on a good note. The episode, titled “The Divine Move,” included a few deaths, sets up some story...
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Finally! After multiple cliffhangers, plentiful plot twists and a whopping three whole years between seasons, Apple TV+’s Severance is at long last back! If you, like...
The Teen Wolf season finale ended on a good note. The episode, titled “The Divine Move,” included a few deaths, sets up some story...
Creator and Executive Producer Jason Rothenberg along with cast members Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, and Marie Avgeropoulos preview the March 26 installment of The...
Emery (Aimee Teegarden) returns to the sector to celebrate an Atrian holiday with Roman (Matt Lanter) in the April 7 installment of Hart of...
If you haven’t yet checked out The CW’s newest hit show, The 100, it’s not too late to get sucked into it! The new...