Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD” returns for its final season on ABC, following last season’s dramatic and time hopping cliffhanger. In “The New Deal,” the...
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Finally! After multiple cliffhangers, plentiful plot twists and a whopping three whole years between seasons, Apple TV+’s Severance is at long last back! If you, like...
Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD” returns for its final season on ABC, following last season’s dramatic and time hopping cliffhanger. In “The New Deal,” the...
Freeform has released a sneak peek of the Season 3 finale of Siren, which you can check out below. The installment, titled “The Toll...
The CW’s “Batwoman” is down a Batwoman. In a shocking development, Ruby Rose, who played the title character in season one of the Arrowverse...
Alright Switches, Freeform’s Motherland: Fort Salem just blew our minds with that finale! We got to see the Bellweather unit in action, Anacostia and...