Nikita Reclaims Old Time Slot

Nikita Reclaims Old Time Slot

The current time slot for The CW’s Nikita (Friday nights at 9pm) has not been kind, especially when paired up with a new cycle of Tyra Banks’ reality competition series America’s Next Top Model as its lead-in.

However, when Top Model closes out its season, the remainder of the spy thriller’s third season will be returning back to its old time slot, an hour earlier at 8pm.

Ratings so far this season have been less than desired, but fans are hopeful that once the show reclaims its spot it held back in Season Two, viewership will rise.

Starting Friday, November 30th, Nikita will air at 8pm followed by an repeat showing of Wednesday’s Arrow. The pairing of Nikita and Arrow make for an action-packed two-hour block you won’t want to miss!

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