Nikita 403: Set-Up | Promo

nikita-403-set-up-featured-page“I’m not really Seymore Birkhoff,” he reveals to Nikita (Maggie Q) in this promotional television spot for Nikita #403 “Set-Up.” Was Alex captured because of him?

PHOTOS | View Episodic Photos For Nikita #403

ALEX IS CAPTURED — Tensions continue to escalate between the United States and Pakistanafter Amanda (Melinda Clarke) plants evidence that Pakistan hired Nikita (Maggie Q) to kill the President. Ryan (Noah Bean) becomes suspicious of Birkhoff’s increasingly odd behavior and tells Nikita and Michael that he thinks Amanda may have kidnapped Birkhoff and planted a double on the plane.

SYNOPSIS | Read The Complete Episode Description For Nikita #403

Nikita “Set-Up” was directed by Marc David Alpert and written by Carlos Coto. The episode airs Friday, December 6, at 9pm on The CW.

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