Nikita 401: Wanted | Promo

nikita-401-wanted-featured-page“I’m not chasing shadows anymore,” Nikita says after three months on the run in the promotional television spot for the season four premiere of Nikita “Wanted.”

PHOTOS | View Episodic Photos For Nikita #401

THE FINAL FIGHT BEGINS — Nikita (Maggie Q) is still on the run after she was framed for the assassination of the President of the United States. Dale, a reporter (guest star Todd Grinnell) from the news channel ENN, starts questioning what really happened that night. Nikita sees this as an opportunity to clear her name so she re-enters the country to talk to Dale but walks right into a trap set by Amanda (Melinda Clarke). The team is alerted and Michael (Shane West) sets out to find Nikita before Amanda does.

SYNOPSIS | Read The Complete Episode Description For Nikita #401

Nikita “Wanted” was directed by Eagle Egilsson and written by Kristen Reidel. The episode airs Friday, November 22, at 9pm on The CW.

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