Nikita 205: Looking Glass | Preview

Last season we got to see Nikita go on a few seduction missions. It’s good to know that not just the women in Division do the seducing. “Men go on those missions, too!” creator Craig Silverstein says.

I’m sure Maggie Q is quite relieved that Shane West is doing the seducing this time. “[Maggie] doesn’t like body makeup,” West told us. “I had to wear body makeup for certain tattoos I had to cover up,” he says about his nearly nude scenes on the show.

Silverstein previews tonight’s all-new episode of Nikita in the video below. Cassandra, a woman who was one of Michael’s seduction missions resurfaces. There’s a hot love scene in the preview, but we’re not sure if it’s a flashback or if it’s in present time. Is Michael back to his old tricks? Is Mikita in danger? Find out tonight at 8|7c on The CW.

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