OMFGTV Visits the Portland Grimm Set for 100th Episode Celebration


As filming wrapped for the day, we headed back to Stage 1 where the 100th episode ceremony was about to take place. After a very nice speech and introduction from the folks at NBC, and exciting news from the mayor of Portland, David Giuntoli addressed the audience filled with press, crew, and the families of the cast and crew, and spoke poignantly about the show he led for four plus seasons.

It was here where the cast gathered together for the first time of the night and where we noticed Bitsie Tulloch was in attendance, which made me so happy. Though her character Juliette had been killed off, it was great to see her there because even if she was no longer in the show, she played a big part in it as Nick’s better half for 89 episodes.

I was going to be completely bummed if she hadn’t shown and when I first saw her there, my face lit up. 🙂 During this time, it was when we believed that Bitsie was off the show. Little did we know, she was secretly filming the entire time, having returned as Eve.

Following the beautiful ceremony, we were lined up in the precinct hallway(!) for interviews with the cast and Executive Producer Norberto Barba. Once that was over, we were free to return to Stage 2, now all lit, which allowed us to take photos of the sets.


Monroe and Rosalee’s house was my first stop on this stage. Once again, as with the precinct set, the interior of the house was much smaller than it looked on TV. The set was homely, beautifully and realistically dressed. Standing in there, I could believe that someone had been living there for years.

There were stairs next to the living room decorated with ornate clocks. I didn’t dare go up the stairs as I was pretty sure they led to nowhere. This house is probably my favorite of the sets as nearly every foot of space had something unique and interesting placed there that told a story.

Finally, my last stop was Rosalee’s Exotic Spice & Tea Shop, which is probably the most famous of the sets. While on this particular set, I had to take a moment to process everything because like all the other sets, the spice shop looks so realistic on screen.

This set, my second favorite, was also beautifully dressed, with jars and bottles of herbs and spices. The Harry Potter fanboy inside of me almost came out. Several of us touring this set could not help but stand behind the counter, pose with the register and play shop. “Three ounces of Fuchsbau blood? Okay, that’ll be $700. Don’t forget to take this with Mistletoe root. That’ll be another $475.”

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Photo Credit: Rowell E.
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