OMFGTV Visits the Portland Grimm Set for 100th Episode Celebration


Right in the middle of the precinct set stood rows of chairs reserved for members of the press to sit during the ceremony. With a little over an hour before the ceremony began, it was just a few feet ahead of the first row of chairs where the giant Grimm cake was being assembled.

I’ve only seen cakes of this size on the Food Network, so it was no surprise that the two women working on the cake had uniforms with the Food Network logo on them. A little touch up here, a little smoke there, and a giant axe embedded right near the center, the cake was now ready for its closeup.

Elsewhere on this set was a section that displayed the many props seen throughout the entire series, including weapons, trinkets, thingamabobs, severed Wesen limbs, and even Kelly’s head in a box!

To the right of that, stood the famous weapons closet, first introduced to viewers in Marie Kessler’s trailer in the pilot. The prop department did a fantastic job working on these, as even a couple of feet away, they looked real as ever.

Lastly, further down and past the cake, several of the show’s best costumes were on display along with sketches of others that were drawn during the creation process. It was on this set where the great, hard work from all the different behind-the-scenes departments were shown off. It definitely has paid off.


After about an hour of getting settled in, about a quarter of us were whisked away to Stage 2 to watch TV magic in the making. We waited just outside the entrance for a few moments for the go-ahead, and as we walked in, we had to be very quiet, as they were in the middle of filming a scene.

As we were being led to our viewing spot, we passed by Monroe’s house with trees whose branches were tipped with tennis balls so that passers by wouldn’t get impaled by them. We also walked by a gigantic fake city backdrop that was being lit by large lights from behind.

Further down was where we spent a good half hour watching Grimm in the making. The place where we gathered was once where Nick and Juliette’s house was set. With not a single piece of that set in sight, it’s safe to say we probably have seen the last of that house.

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Photo Credit: Rowell E.
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