“Teen Wolf” EP Jeff Davis on Scott & Stiles Bromance, Theo’s Bad Plans

The bromance between Scott and Styles on MTV’s werewolf drama Teen Wolf is one that is envied by fans the world over. We love when they’re together and hate it when they’re apart. They’re best bros!

This season, however, there’s been some tension between the two. Do fans have something to worry about?

mtv-teen-wolf-scott-stiles-tension“We’ve seen them be best friends for years now and we ask the question in the writers room, we always like to start with how do we test our characters how do we test the relationships?” explains Executive Producer Jeff Davis.

“I know the audience hates it but the best drama comes from making them suffer,” he adds. “We thought sort of really hitting that relationship hard this season would bring some pretty good drama out of it. It’s going to be tough and something happens in episode five that starts to put them on different paths and Theo is going to use that to his advantage.”

Part of that advantage are Theo’s bad plans for Scott and the pack, which Davis explains “comes out of a very human desire which is he wants a pack of his own.” Whether this involves overtaking Scott’s pack or not, you’ll just have to tune in and see.

“One of the reasons why we like to add new characters to the show is you bring out new things in your main characters, you test them, and [Theo’s] really going to get into people’s heads and undermine things for Scott.”

Teen Wolf airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.

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