
“The Magicians” Recap: Sex Ed From Hell

In the newest episode of Syfy’s The Magicians, we see Margo struggle to adjust to her new husband, Quentin battles his depression monster, and Julia gives Alice her magic. Here is what went down in ‘Do You Like Teeth’!

Depression Monster | This week, we see Quentin (Jason Ralph) quite literally face his depression head on when he finds a Brakebills Alum named Poppy (Felicia Day) stranded in The Abyss. Poppy just happens to have the next magical key he’s looking for, and she’s got no problems handing it over to Q. The only problem is what this key does, it takes the darkest parts inside a person and forces them to face that part of themselves. The depression monster’s goal is to get the last person who touched the key to kill themselves, so Q forces Benedict (Harvey Guillen) to tie him to the mast.

Poppy realizes she can use the key to return to earth, so she takes the key from Q and attempts to leave the Muntjac. Q tells Benedict to go stop her, but in the process Benedict touches the key and is forced to face his own depression monster. Unfortunately Benedict is not as strong as Q and he walks off the side of the boat, right into the waiting mouth of a hungry dragon, taking the key with him. Now Q and Poppy–because at least Benedict stopped her from leaving–must figure out how to get to the Underworld to get the key from Benedict.

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Sex Ed | Margo (Summer Bishil) refuses to consummate her marriage with Prince Fomar (Nicholas Coombe) and tries to give her baby husband a “sex ed” class to dissuade him from wanting to sleep with her. She tells him vaginas are awful things that bleed every month, but when he seems into that she switches tactics and tells him that vaginas have teeth. Thank you, writers, for including Teeth as a plot point! Eliot (Hale Appleman) convinces the Fairy Queen (Candis Cayne) that what Margo needs in a Honeymoon, so he takes her and her baby husband away so they can “get it on.” But Eliot’s real plan is to check out some mushrooms he’s heard the fairies have been growing on their land. They drug Fomar and investigate, discovering the mushrooms are actually the tops of embryonic egg sacks the fairies grow their babies in. Looks like the Fairies are creating an army right under the noses of the Fillorians. Margo wastes no time and decides their best move is to kidnap some of the embryos and use them as leverage against the Queen.

As they head back to the castle they realize they still need to convince Fomar that he and Margo had sex, so Margo finds a toad with fangs to bite Fomar’s penis while he was knocked out. When her baby husband woke up, he was convinced he lost his virginity based on the bite marks around his penis, which naturally could have only been caused by a vagina.

90’s Toys | Julia (Stella Maeve) is sick of having this magic, so she decides to build a very dangerous machine out of 90’s toys in order to transfer her magic to Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley). Everything seems to be going well, Alice has some magic again, but of course nothing ever goes as planned to these guys. Alice decided she was going to make Penny (Arjun Gupta) a new body with her powers, but when she tries it’s too much for her body to handle. She begins to have a seizure, but there’s no one around to help.

How long will Fomar believe Margo and Eliot? Will he ever realize he was played and is still a baby husband virgin? And what is going to happen to Alice?!? They can’t kill her again, can they?

Catch The Magicians Wednesdays at 9pm on Syfy!

Photo Credit: Eike Schroter/Syfy

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