The Magicians Preview: It’s Golem Time

Quentin and the gang have to figure out how to survive without Alice by their side; Eliot and Margo may have found a loophole to Eliot’s “stuck in Fillory” problem; Q and Penny go on a quest to get Alice back; and Julia reunites with her “best bitch”.

Below are teasers for The Magicians‘ melancholy fourth episode, “The Flying Forest,” written by David Reed and directed by Carol Banker.

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The Return of Todd | Margo and Eliot realize they need to retrieve something from their Brakebills cottage, and who do they run into on their return? Todd, of course, and he’s not the same boy they remember from just months earlier. Eliot is not happy with Todd’s newfound popularity, but will he let those feelings effect his time on Earth? And will the loophole they found allowing him to visit Earth actually work?

It’s Not Just The Trees That Are Flying In This Forest | Quentin and Penny set off on their own to try to find The White Lady, a magical creature said to grant its captors any wish. Their journey takes an unexpected turn when they enter The Flying Forest and realize why the Chatwin’s thought the trees were flying. Do they succeed in capturing The White Lady and get their wishes granted, or will they fail miserably and have to return home empty-handed?

Back To Brakebills | Eliot and Margo aren’t the only ones who need to return to Brakebills. Julia and Kady also need to get in to find a book. Marina left them a message and they need to crack it. What will her message be? And what happens if Eliot and Margo catch them?

How will our heroes deal with the death of their fallen queen? Watch The Magicians Wednesday at 9pm on Syfy to find out!

Photo Credit: Eike Schroter/Syfy
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