“Legion” Recap: Deus Ex Machina

“Legion’s” “Chapter 16” saw David set a final plan in motion to end the battle with Farouk once and for all. Syd contemplates her role in the fight, while Farouk executes a final plan.

The Secret Keeper | This very strange episode begins with poor Ptonomy seeing visions of Fukuyama’s past as he was recruited by the leader of Division 3 to be the ultimate secret keeper, a mind that can’t be read. Ptomony takes control of one of Fukuyama’s robot women and alerts David to a location where Farouk’s body is.

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Let the Race Begin | David hatches a plan to keep Farouk from reading everyone’s minds by compartmentalizing the operation into the minds of Cary and Clark and also freeing Lenny from her cell. He heads off to the desert, but Syd catches up to him, refusing to leave him behind. They wander the desert for a while, in a split screen sequence reminiscent of “Hulk,” before finding a tent with skeleton versions of themselves. Creepy…

The Endless Dream | Farouk tracks down a woman who hid his body and promises to give her a never ending fantasy if she tells him where it is. Oliver and Farouk ride through the desert, with Farouk saying that David can’t find the temple where the body is hidden without knowing “the secret.” Also, Melanie knocks out Clark before he can act on David’s instructions and that weird moose-headed thing she’s been seeing may be connected to Farouk.

“Legion” airs Tuesdays on FX.

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