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“Legacies” Recap: I Think George Lucas Gonna Sue Somebody!

Recap of episode “A New Hope”


After last week’s “Midsommar” inspired episode of Legacies, what film will inspire the supernatural series next? Um, “Star Wars?” Makes perfect sense, right?

I Have a Bad Feeling About This | Yes, we’re doing this! A straight up play by play of “Star Wars” on a supernatural show! Anyway, Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) is a princess on a spaceship that is being invaded by Lord Marshall — the Darth Vader guy from last week — and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) is her robot sister, which even Josie knows makes no sense! They crash land on a planet, conveniently named Mystic Falls, and conveniently run into Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) doing her best Daisy Ridley impression.

Josie conveniently has data banks that tell them everything they need to know about their backstories and the girls assume that they’re high as a kite. When they go to the cantina, Lizzie somehow knows the password to the bar and tells the others that she wrote this “Starcrash” nightmare in her diary when she was 11.

In real life Mystic Falls, MG (Quincy Fouse) returns to school, but Kaleb (Chris Lee) won’t talk to him for some reason, so Alaric (Matthew Davis) sends them off to bury the wendigo from last week. He also visits Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) in the hospital and runs into Emma (Karen David), who is pissed at Alaric.

I Am Your Father | With Lizzie’s “Star Wars” fantasies dictating their journey, the girls find Alaric hiding in a hut and he tells them that only the Chosen One can use the StarSword to kill Lord Marshall. Since Josie read Lizzie’s diary when they were 11, she knows that A: They have the Sword already, B: None of them are the Chosen One and C: Alaric screws them over and hands them to the bad guys.

It’s here that for once, we actually get a good twist: Lizzie tells Hope that since she was working through her own issues while writing in her diary, Lord Marshall is actually Hope since she saw Hope as the villain! And since Lizzie, like all of us, gave up on her diary after a few months, they don’t know what happens next- until a young Hope Marshall, played by “The Originals'” Summer Fontana, arrives to rescue them!

There Is Another | As Emma chews out Alaric for putting Dorian in danger, Dorian’s wounds get worse and Alaric believes that the wendigo is still alive. Sure enough, the body MG and Kaleb buried is gone, but Kaleb doesn’t care and leaves MG in the woods.

As Hope, Lizzie and Josie team up with Young Hope, Adult Hope remembers that she overheard Josie talking about Lizzie’s story and how Hope was the villain and wrote her own fanfic where she was the hero. Hope then suddenly realizes that she knows how to defeat the real villain and knocks out Lizzie, Josie and Young Hope, so she can do what she always does and go on a death wish mission.

As MG kills the resurrected wendigo and makes peace with Kaleb, Hope battles the Darth Vader thing, which turns out to be Malivore, and kills it, realizing that the only way she can defeat it is to become a full tribrid. The girls then wake up in the woods and Hope is crushed that she has to unlock her vampire side to save the day, but Josie and Lizzie tell her that she won’t go through it alone. They then see footprints coming from the pit Andi created and follow them to find Clark (Nick Fink), who is happy to see them…

Legacies airs Thursdays on The CW.

Written By

A native of Boise, Idaho, Bradley is a hardcore entertainment junkie whose interest span many different genres. Favorite shows include: The Originals, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Silicon Valley and Powers.

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